Thursday, September 29, 2005

matter of facts

when we are not open minded and honest we don't like criticism we only wan to hear appriciation and Tc but if we are honest and fairminded we well come all types of views.
when we are hypocrate we try to make happy everybody except God but when we believe in justice and God we do every thing at merit and try to make only God happy.
when we are bad and evil prone we have no courage to pin point the evil but when we have nothing to hide or avoid we feel free to hit the evil and crush and tease the bad element of the society
when we are empty minded we always don't accept good and learned people we have fear that good people will topple us down but when our mind is filled with good and possitive thougths we respect and give rise to good and learned people
when we are currupt we take shalter in the laps of different societies and organizations but when we are honest we only support good organizations but don't take shalter in them.

Ramazan Mubarak


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A matter of choice


A matter of choice

Immaturity is thinking that you have all the answers. Wisdom is knowing that you don't.

Weakness is wanting to control everything around you. Strength is gracefully accepting and valuing what is.

Insecurity is the constant, gnawing desire to have more and more. Confidence is knowing that you already are enough.

Failure is thinking that you can advance yourself by pushing others down. Success is understanding that the more you lift others up, the more you'll be lifted yourself.

Despair is committing yourself to shallow, superficial things that too soon will wither and die. Joy is filling your world and your life with the things that truly matter.

Every moment, you are fully capable of living with wisdom, strength, confidence, success and joy. It's not a matter of chance, but always a matter of choice.

And you can make the choices now that will surely take you there.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I am the ruler

he is thinking like this
"Now everybody knows I am the main person and this all I wanted to achieve nobody knows who is the Panz and its dummy leadership but every body knows I am the most effective and kings making man ha.....ha....ha... I am the king every body calls me, everybody wants my support but game is not yet over I have to work to make huge money ha......ha.....ha.....ha....its very easy know I will use all this bulshit people and a big plateform of Labour party .............ha.....ha......ha......ha... Iam the genous ruler of the comunity "

Sunday, September 25, 2005


The Teacher asked, "All right children, who can tell me

what a chicken gives?"

Mary answered, "A chicken gives eggs!"

The Teacher then asked, "Now who can tell me what a

goat gives?"


And Paul answered, "A goat gives goat milk!"

And finally the Teacher asked, "Well now, who can tell

me what the cow gives?"

And Little Johnny replied, "Homework

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Thank you Mr. Azar

there were 50 people in the meeting one was making speech in this way
My dear friend I am really thankful to Mr Azar he really guided me inspired me pushed me actually I have no words to explain how he did all this,  he is a man of letters ablitiy and knowledge I wish him success in the life
then another person made speech
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Azar is a founder member of this alien organization onece I was in severe truble nobody helped me but Mr. Azar thank you Mr. Azar...thank you very much.
then another person made speech
Bhai Azar is very different person he behaves differently actually he is very sincere my wife always praise and appriciate him I have no word to cheese him thnks Mr. Azar.
then anothe person made speech
Good evening to every body Mr. Azar have some really good habits he drives taxis very well if taxi is automatic or manual no problem for him I always see him helping the people some time he put himself in trouble for others I think he is the best man in the comunity I always take him my best friend.
Meeting was carried on with such speeches and tributes to Mr. Azar sohni Dharti is also thinking of organizing such a tribute show soon

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


why do you want to become an exective?
Answer.......I am a stupid man none sense by nature I have some strange feeling some super natural apprehenssions for example I have permanant constipation and I think this can only be cured if I be a exective also I am suffering from sextual impotancy and exectiveship is like a testoverone injections.
People think you wana make money and name from this seat isn't?
Answer......yeah I wana make money of urdu language and I have told you I am a stupid man so my name will remain the same.......I can not change my name
Ever you met a beutiful person of muslim community who impressed you much?
Answere......yes its Hamam Abbasi he thinks I am a genious man and fit for exectiveship I love him and cannot refuse him.
What work you have done for the community over past? many kids legal and illegal+strengthening Panz+eating and drinking haram+giving money for charity only to girls+supporting theocrates of Nz+supporting sohni dharti+toutship of Nz immigration ........and you know I am a stupid man all that is = impotancy
what is your favorit drink?
Ans......I belive in Indian mythology so drink my urine onec a weak
ooops its bulshit I can not interview you bye man bye

Saturday, September 17, 2005


any body can tell me why president of panz was not present at paklabour day

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Faroun of Newzealand

There are so many common things between faros (Feroun) and him but he is not Shatan as shatan don't believe in God and Feros were himself God,  he was more near to Akhnatan forth faros born in 1330 BC he was a great believer of God he broke all the idles and temples and thrown out theocrates from the country. So he is Akhnatan of Newzealand a Faroun who believes in God, Akhnatan said God is one wife is one and sign of God is sun, he also advocates this policy but only upto wife in his openion sign of God is Dollar, Akhnatan said gayism is good for sextual health, he is a passive gay once he was looking for some gay club at K Road and finally he went to a car showroom, but there is one difference between Akhnatan and him Akhnatan always believes in unanimous voting for one party but he always go where all the gays vote for

paklabour day


i cogratulate Mr Shahid Azad & company that they arranged such a great event that every pakistani can be proud of that.also all those pakistanis who arranged food and cleaning processes are worth millions cause they speared their time just for its our duty to cast vote in the fovur of those who they have asked....

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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Nz Election 2005 and US

We must have to congratulate Mr. Shahid Azad and Mr Fayyaz Mumtaz for gathering Pakistani support for Labour party. It was very decent and well organizes function and hope they will continue their efforts for Pakistani community.


Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Another important conference coming up,  "VOICE OF THE  ETHNIC YOUTH"

Listen to youth groups from Asia, Pakistan, India, Africa, Cambodia, Tamil, Maori present the challenges they face in resettlement and fitting into society. Be part of the solution. Your participation will make a  difference to the Ethnic Youth of today and the Youth of tommorrow. Saturday 15 October, Orakei Marae, Orakei, Auckland, 9:00 - 3:30pm.  Registration is open to all people and  organsiations interested in our youth and the future of NZ. Register now!

Kind regards,
Mariska Mannes
Coordinator EVNZ
PO Box 56 483
Dominion Road

Monday, September 12, 2005


Sohni Dharti congratulate, Qasim HASHMI son of Javaid HASHMI on his wedding, and wish all the best for young couple in coming life


Bulshit and rubbish am I ?

she is a very good student of my degree class, she is very brillient and hard working student never miss a single lecture she love to questioning and I love to answer but last day I cound,t have a suitable answer for her very simple question, "sir what is love and why moulvi put ban on love while BeBe Khadija loved Mohammad Pbh and she sent message of marriage to Prophat both met several times before marriage Mohammad PBH also loved her" This was a difficult situation for a teacher if I lie then it was a professional dishonesty and if I speak truth then it might misguide the youth and also may be it was agaist the set pattern of religious thoughts so I just explained the love and didn't touch the other part comprehensively. Now I think, why did I hide the truth, why I am not as brave as I should be, on my way back to home my heart was saying you are no difference from Moulivis......cowered.....a beliver of wronge patterns of are a bulshit and rubbish get lost.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Non Muslims and Us

In DUA few of our friends were Sikh. Someone objected that's non Muslim should not be allowed in Masjid. When we asked Moulana Saleem. he said non Muslim shouldn't be allowed to the Masjid because they are NA.PAK. When put same question to Moulana Javid, he said it Ok to bring non Muslim in Masjid, according to him, Muhammad PBUH, used to allow non Muslim in Masjid

Since then I am thinking that if we won't allow non Muslim in our Masjid then how we will be able to preach them Islam or our way of preyers

Monday, September 5, 2005

Looking Place For Cooking


Avondale Islamic centre is the place, if you are doing Islamic functions, with large facility for food preparations and cooking, a well organised kitchen, lot of room to cook, big burners, spacious halls for ladies sitting, separate dinning hall for men, and big main hall with capacity of more then 300 people, all for only $130

If you want to use only kitchen facility for cooking $30 only, where you can cook food more then 1000 people, all of it is under cover

For booking contact

Moulana Abubakar

122 Block House Bay Rd


Ph 828 2786

Mobile 0256469165

Sunday, September 4, 2005

election 2005

Pakistani......I am not interested in polling I don't like elections what they give us get lost man get lost
Angle.......what you like?
Pakistani....I like famine fatal, money, marrying, drinking not openly and also I like president of PANZ
 Angle .......why you also like President of Panz?
Pakistani......its a secret I don't wana disclose I like some more members of PANz also
Angle.........Panz is doing very good for the community struggling hard for the betterment of the people and voting for labour party
Pakistani.........I don't like panz working but I like its members they are good people very soft shy and ready to obey
Angle.........but remember you have to vote for labour party they are good for the comminunity
Pakistani......ok I do but you have to make a deal with me
Angle..........ok Ido what you want? I am a angle and can do some unexpected for you
Pakistani........are yu serious in getting vote for labour party
Angle course I am serious
Pakistani........ok then I give you a suggestion do it and labour party get all the vote of Pakistanis in Nz
Angle .....please tell me
Pakistani.........Bring some hoors and Ghalmans for every Pakistani in Nz you will win the election

Saturday, September 3, 2005

Good Deal

A three bed room house is available in Ranui , for 6 month only , rent only $100, all rent will go to PANZ funds , any body interested contact below mentioned number

Address 8 Riserra drive Ranui


Thursday, September 1, 2005

I pray for the deads

Death is inevitable we can not deny this truth of nature our life span is very short, death is a mystry an unsolved problem an threat to our aims some deaths maks other people happy and some make us sad becaz dead was very close to us we can not forget his good deeds and love for us but only few pople live after death and our life after death depends on what we do for others when a muslim die Allah pak opens the gate of heaven and peace for him no matter how sinful he was but he was a muslim a true believer Allah Pak loves muslims and ready to forgive their sins I pray for the deads may Allah bless them .....Amen