A man parked his car at the supermarket and was walking
past an empty cart when he heard a woman ask, "Excuse
me, did you want that cart?"
"No," he answered. "I'm only after one thing."
As he walked toward the store, he heard her murmur,
"Typical male."
Saturday, April 28, 2007
"Typical male."
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
America's cup
The BMW ORACLE Racing Team is an international team comprised of 140 people from 16 different nations all focused on one goal: to win the 32nd America's Cup in 2007. Blending technology and team work, BMW ORACLE Racing is striving to close the gap on the America's Cup Defender.
Asim Khan son of Mr Tauqir Khan is on the BMW Oracle Boat in America's cup and the boat is on winning spree He is the only Asian on the Boat.Asim is the Performance Anaylysis specialist , See Picture
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
The Imam (Leader in Prayer) His Selection The Imam has to be selected with due care and attention because, in fact, he represents the holy Prophet in the mosque and his duties and responsibilities are of unique importance and significance in the religious system of Islam. Only such a person, therefore, should be appointed for this job, who is on the whole the best man available among the worshippers not only in matters of knowledge, righteousness, spirit of sacrifice and insight into religion (which are the necessary qualities of an Imam of the Muslims), but he should also possess leadership qualities to guide them in the practical affairs of life.
During his last illness, when the holy Prophet found himself unable to attend the mosque, he appointed Hadrat Abu Bakr as his representative, who was on the whole the best man among the Muslims. Though the ladies made repeated requests to the holy Prophet to appoint someone else because they thought Abu Bakr was a tender hearted man, the holy Prophet turned down their request every time and said: "Let Abu Bakr lead the people in Prayer." And Hadrat Abu Bakr then led the Prayer accordingly. Prayer being the most important duty in Islam, it can be held only by such a person who has the necessary calibre and qualities to represent Muslims before Allah and who is religiously the best person on the whole among the people.
Hadrat Abu Mas'ud has reported the holy Prophet as saying: "The Imam of the Muslims should be such a one who possesses the deepest knowledge and understanding of the Qur'an. If all are equal in this, the Imam should be the one who has the deepest knowledge of the Sunnah and Shari'ah. If all are equal in this, he should be the one who migrated first. And if all are equal in this too, then the one who is most senior in age." (Muslim) "The deepest knowledge of the Qur'an" implies that he should have a special inclination and taste for the Qur'an. He should have committed a large portion of it to memory, and should be able to recite it well, and have deep insight into its meaning and contents and has understood and absorbed its message well. If all are equal in this quality, then the Imam should be a person who has profound knowledge of the Sunnah and Shari'ah regulations. If all are equal in this quality then it should be the one who has offered maximum sacrifices for the sake of Islam and upheld its cause through all the vicissitudes of life. If all are equal in this quality too, then the one most senior in age may be given in honour of leading the Prayer.
Regulations Concerning the Functions of the Imam
1. A woman is not allowed to lead males in Prayer. Hadrat Jabir has reported the holy Prophet as saying: "No woman is permitted to lead a male in Prayer." (Ibn Majah)
2. The female Imam should stand in the row and not alone in front, whether she has one female follower with her or more.
3. The Imam should have regard for his followers and should not recite long passages or prolong the ruku or sajdah unduly, for the holy Prophet has said, "When anyone of you happens to lead the Prayer, he should make it short and light, because among the followers there may be the sick, the weak or aged people. However, when you are offering the Prayer alone, you may prolong it as much as you like." (Bukhari, Muslim) Hadrat Mu'az used to recite long Surahs in the Isha Prayer. When the holy Prophet came to know of it, he was annoyed, and said: "O Mu'az, do not put the people to trial!" - and then instructed him to recite short Surahs like Al-A'ala (87), Ash-Shams (92), Al-Lail (92) and Wad-Duha (93) (Bukhari, Muslim) Concerning his own practice, the holy Prophet once remarked: "When I stand up for Prayer, I sometimes intend to prolong it, but then I hear some child crying and I shorten the Prayer, because I know that the child's crying would upset the mother (who might be offering her Prayer behind me." (Bukhari)
4. It is permissible to appoint one or more persons (called Mukabbirs) among the followers, who should repeat the Imam's takbir, etc., in a louder voice so as to convey it to the followers at the rear so that they may perform their rukus and sajdahs and other articles of Prayer correctly and properly behind the Imam.
5. It is highly undesirable to appoint a sinner, or a wicked person, as Imam. If however a better person is not available, then such a person may be allowed to act as Imam.
6. It is permissible to offer prayers under the leadership of an Imam belonging to another school of juristic thought. If the Imam has adhered to his own particular fiqh, the Prayer of the followers will be valid regardless of the different schools to which they may belong.
7. If a person is offering the fard rak'ahs of the Maghrib, Isha or Fajr Prayer alone, and is joined by another person as a follower, he must start starting reciting the Qur'an aloud as an Imam. If he has already recited al Fatiha and an additional passage, he must repeat them aloud as prescribed for these prayers. In case he has to repeat al Fatiha, he will have to perform sajdah sahv in the final sitting.
8. It is undesirable to appoint a person as an Imam who suffers from a repulsive or serious disease like leprosy etc.
9. To appoint a handsome young man whose beard has not yet grown as Imam, is undesirable.
10. A man who is disliked or hated by the people should not act as the Imam. The followers' willingness and approval in this regard is necessary.
11. If a Prayer is to be offered in the house of a person, the person himself deserves to be the Imam. However, if he allows another person to act as Imam, there is no harm. Similarly the appointed Imam of the mosque has a greater right to act as Imam in the mosque unless he himself allows another person to lead the Prayer on that particular occasion.
12. If the Prayer of the Imam becomes void for some reason, the Prayer of the whole congregation will automatically become void, whether it happens during the progress of the Prayer, or comes to light after the Prayer is over. In any case the Imam is duty bound to inform the followers to repeat their Prayer.
13. It is the responsibility of the Imam to see that the rows are made straight and balanced and the followers are standing close to one another without any gaps between them.
14. A male Imam may lead women in Prayer provided there is at least one other male present in the congregation, or a mahram female, like mother, wife, sister etc.
15. It is not permissible for the followers to offer a Prayer by playing a tape or a recording containing the voice of the Imam, nor is it permissible to follow an Imam who is leading prayers over the radio at a distant place
An Imam is not there only to lead the people in prayer, but he is in fact a leader of the local people as well. It is his duty to establish personal contacts with the people of the place, to keep an eye on their morals and other affairs and to carry out the duty of reforming and guiding them through sermons and other means as and when necessary. Though, like the other affairs of Muslims, this institution has also suffered deterioration, it is necessary to keep it intact and established, as far as possible, in its real form. If prayers start being held over the radio or by playing recordings, the real spirit of the institution of Imam will soon be extinguished.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Who Is Trying To Damage Islam?
By Syed Soharwardy
During one of the news on CNN a lady commentator in a funny tone was describing how Muslims were humiliating Islam in Afghanistan after the departure of Taliban. After Taliban's departure from Kabul, CNN reporter could not find any thing but few "Muslims" who celebrated after shaving their beard, some ladies who removed their "Burqa", some boys who were dancing and music on the street of Kabul. CNN also showed how Northern Alliance (NA) militia was dragging their opponent Muslims on the streets of Kabul. A young boy was slapping on the face of an old man, another young boy was pulling the beard of an old man. NA forces reportedly shot many Muslims as well. CNN showed how revengeful and disrespectful Muslims are. There is no doubt in my mind that the oppressive regime of Taliban also humiliated Islam in Kabul and other parts of Afghanistan during their rule. In a story, Paul McGeough of The Sydney Morning Herald in Taloqan finds little hope for the people of Afghanistan. He writes in his report " Glassy-eyed, the Northern Alliance tank commander sloshed down the last of his Afghanistan whisky - tea laced with opium - before charging off on another killing mission. After years of war and far too much "whisky", he was like an animal, a killer who had lost touch with humanity, a fighter who had no understanding of dignity, a man who had no comprehension of decency. For days he had pounded Taliban trenches in the far north-east of Afghanistan. And 24 hours after he had offered me a swig of his "whisky" and when the dust of battle had settled, I checked out those trenches with his colleagues. They, too, were like animals. There was a shallow grave in one of the abandoned trenches. They leapt upon it, digging into it with their bare hands. When they could grasp the limbs of the corpse, they dragged it free. The dead Taliban fighter's colleagues had wrapped his body in lengths of cloth, which the NA fighters ripped away. When the body was turned over, a cry went up: "Punjabi! Punjabi!" That was to say that the man was one of the thousands of Pakistani volunteers who had poured over the border to fight for the Taliban and for Osama bin Laden. He was dead, but that wasn't enough for the men of the Northern Alliance - they kicked the corpse, they spat on it and they mocked it with manic laughter". Please note that the Taliban and Northern Alliance, both parties are lead by Islamic clergy of Afghanistan. Mullah Muhammad Omar is the leader of Taliban and Mullah Burhanuddin Rabbani is the leader of Northern Alliance. Mullah Muhammad Omar used to teach Islam in an Islamic Institute (Dar-ul-Aloom) in Afghanistan and later in Pakistan. Mullah Burhanuddin Rabbani used to teach Shari'a (Islamic law) at the University of Kabul. Mullah Muhammad Omar and his soldiers killed thousands of innocent Afghani civilians Muslims while Mullah Burhanuddin Rabbani and his soldiers also killed thousands of civilians Afghani Muslims. Most of the world knows the atrocities and genocide created by both so-called Muslim scholars in order to please Allah (in their opinion). Burhanuddin Rabbani has recently given orders to his forces to kill any "Arab" or "Pakistani if they find them. I am sure Mullah Burhanuddin Rabbani must be thinking that by doing so he will make Allah very happy! I am disappointed and sad by these incidents but I am also angry and frustrated. I am not sure how long Muslims of this world will suffer from the hands of these so-called scholars of Islam. For more than ten years Muslims in Pakistan are getting slaughtered by these fanatics. Muslims are getting killed by Muslims while praying inside the mosques. Mosque (Masjid), in Islam is a sanctuary for Muslims and Muslims themselves have disgraced the sanctity of the mosque. Off course ordinary Muslims in Pakistan have nothing to do with this. They are suffering most because of these fanatics. Last year, I visited my home country, Pakistan. I was in Karachi on a Friday afternoon in a lower middle class neighborhood area. I walked not more than a kilometer in the area and I saw graffiti in Urdu language on one wall saying, "Shi'a Kafir and their punishment is death". I went few steps and I saw on another wall " Brelvi Kafir and their punishment is death". After few blocks I saw a wall with graffiti saying " Deobandi Kafir " and on another wall " Wahabi Kafir". I asked myself that Pakistan supposed to be a country of Muslims. If all these sects (Firqahs) are "Kafir" (non-believers) then who is Muslim in Pakistan? In another mosque, I went for afternoon (Zohar) prayer. After the prayer it was announced that a guest Imam from another city would be speaking at the mosque. I wanted to listen to his speech. After few minutes the guest scholar came with four bodyguards armed with guns and many followers shouting slogans praising the leader. I was scared to see so many guns in the mosque. I had never seen before so many guns inside a mosque. I wanted to get out but realized that the people will misunderstand if I stand up and I may get into trouble. I stayed and listened to the speeches. Finally, the guest Imam spoke and after reading some verses from the holy Qur'an he started his speech in Urdu. I could not believe on my ears that this Imam started his speech with using (M.F.) word for Imam Khumeni. I am not a Shi'a Muslim. I am a Sunni Muslim but I was shocked. How come a person who supposed to be very knowledgeable about the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and supposed to teach good manners to others is so low that he is using very vulgar language in the mosque. Using vulgar language anywhere is forbidden in Islam and this Imam was yelling and using all kinds of abusive words for fellow Muslims inside the mosque. He supposed to be our model but he was nothing but a very rude, arrogant and senseless person. In my heart, I was asking Allah why such people are our religious leaders? Where are they taking us? There are video and audiocassettes of various so-called scholars of Islam in which they openly preach hate and violence against their own Muslim brothers and sisters because of their belonging to a different denomination. We all know this behaviour is absolutely against the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). During the last decade another class of these very influential and wealthy so-called scholars and leaders of Islam have emerged. They are not only in Pakistan but also in many Muslim countries. Some of these so-called scholars / leaders have appointed themselves to the level of Ameer ul Mo'meneen (Head of an Islamic State). They have recruited few hundreds or thousands followers and based upon these needy followers these leaders / scholars think that they are like a Head of State. They have formed organizations to carry out JIHAD. These Jihadi organizations have recruited young, educated, jobless, poor and frustrated people in their organizations with incentive of some tangible and one non-tangible reward. The tangible incentives include, ownership of gun / rocket launcher which gives these young boys sense of power and control. They also get cash rewards, which gives them good status in the family and in the community. Both ammunition and money give them perfect feelings of a hero of Hollywood movie. The leaders of these Jihadi organizations then force these recruits to commit murders, crimes and illegal activities. These leaders keep complete record of their followers activities and if anyone tries to escape, either he gets killed or become victim of black mailing and torture within his own organization. The intangible incentive is Heaven. These so-called scholars have brain washed young Muslims. The most interesting aspect of this self announced Jihad is that there are several Jihadi organizations in Pakistan and non-of the leaders of these Jihadi organizations have died in the battle. The only people who die in these activities of self-claimed Jihad are poor recruits. Just go back ten years and see what was the living standard of these leaders of Jihadi organizations and now how they are enjoying life. These leaders used to be either poor or lower middle class citizens of Pakistan. Now, they live in mansions, drive big jeeps, travel in first class, stay in five star hotels, eat the best dishes and wear what an ordinary person in Pakistan can just dream. They have servants, cooks and security guards available to them at all times. All these blessings fall upon these leaders but nothing on the recruits. When these religious leaders go in public they describe the simple and very humble life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and they expect that the public should practice what they preach. But these leaders themselves are immune from practicing the life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) These leaders have exploited religion so badly that they have made brother an enemy of his own brother. They have used Islam to build their own houses, accumulate wealth and abuse the rights of other Muslim brothers and sisters. Whenever, people try to find out the truth about these so-called scholars, they use Islam as their shield. These leaders harass people if people question their authority. They say Islam gets into danger if their authority is challenged. Therefore, people have no right to know what is the source of income of these scholars and what authority these so called scholars have? On the other side, most of the Muslim countries have very authoritarian governments and whenever the people challenge these governments, the governments use these so-called scholars in order to get false fatwa from them, which can be used to protect the government. How these so-called Jihadi organizations are established and nourished? In Pakistan, during the periods of Ex-Prime Ministers Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, Pakistani military faced lots of sanctions from USA and Europe, which weakened the military strength of Pakistan. On the other side during the same period India enjoyed relatively better economical and military situation. Pakistan could not afford large expenses of a very needed large military. Therefore, Pakistani governments tried to build a cheaper line of defense in case of attack from India. Therefor, these Jihadi organizations were formed in order to have a free of charge military to protect elite military of Pakistan. Saddam Hussain used the similar strategy during the Gulf War. Now, these Jihadi organizations are so powerful that they are becoming nuisances for Pakistan's own government. If these Jihadi organizations are not unarmed soon, there is a good possibility that Pakistan will be dragged into a civil war by these organizations. These organizations are so strong in their sectarian beliefs that they will not hesitate to kill thousands of Pakistani Muslims who may oppose them. The role of Saudi Arabia is also very important in establishing these Jihadi organizations. The funding and the strategy for most of the Jihadi organizations come from Saudi Arabia. It is absolutely critical for the Muslims to listen to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and do not pay attention to those who wrongly use the religion of Islam in order to expand their own personal control and power upon Muslims. There are true scholars of Islam and they practice what they preach, and they preach Islam in its pure state. In Islam, the concept of Jihad is very sacred. The struggle of Jihad must start first within us. We must bring change within ourselves and in our own Muslim countries. We need to remove dictatorships, corruption, poverty, illiteracy, human rights abuses and exploitation of women in the name of Islam. Muslims should stop using USA, India and the West as a scapegoat for the problems of Muslim ummah. Muslims must see what have they done for their own countries. If the enemies of Islam want to destroy Islam, then it is obvious that Muslims should not expect good things from the enemies of Islam. We should analyze what have we done for Islam? Muslims themselves have damaged Islam more than the enemies of Islam. Within the last two decades the civil wars / sectarian violence in Afghanistan, Somalia, Algeria, Egypt and Pakistan are proof of this "unfelt" animosity for Islam. May Allah give us the strength to become the true messengers of peace (Islam) and strong believers of faith. Ameen
You Play, You Pay!
Two brawny men came to my house to install
some new floor covering in the kitchen. Once
they had moved the stove and refrigerator out
of the way, it was not long before the job was
done. As they were getting ready to leave, I
asked them to put the heavy appliances back
in place. The two men said that would cost an
additional $45 service fee, stating it was not in
their contract. I really had no choice but to pay them.
As soon as they left, however, the doorbell rang.
It was the two men. They asked me to move my
van, which was blocking their truck. I told them
my fee was $45... for van moving!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Khatm e Quran
Khatm e Quran for Zeb Khanâs mother-in-law , who passed away in Pakistan
Time: Between ASSAR and Maghrab today
Place: Block House Bay Masjid
Dinner will be served
Friday, April 13, 2007
Pakistan and San Marino
The Cabinet has ratified the Agreement between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of San Marino on the âEstablishment of Diplomatic Relationsâ. The said Agreement was signed on 12 th April 2006 .
The government of San Marino had expressed keen desire to establish diplomatic relations, which was reciprocated by the government of Pakistan . Pakistan 's Embassy in Rome will have concurrent accreditation to San Marino .
San Marino , located in North-East of Italy , is a small but active member of the United Nations. Besides being a member of important multilateral organizations, San Marino has official relations with the European Union (EU).
The establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and San Marino will help in strengthening bilateral ties and enhancing cooperation in multiple areas
Asad Amanat Ali Khan
For me - as for so many others - this scion of this Patiala gharana of classical singing was always his father’s son.
Asad Amanat Ali Khan was himself immensely talented, thought probably not as innovative in delivery as his father, but in many ways he was never able to come out of his father’s shadows. This was neither his fault nor his father’s. If anything, it was the fault of fans like myself who coudl never get themselves to listen to him without thinking of Ustad Amanat Ali Khan. But let it also be said that this was a compliment not only to Ustad Amanat Ali Khan but also to Asad Amanat Ali. He did his father proud. He made his the Patiala gharana proud.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Heer Ranjha
The Story of Heer Ranjha ==
Heer Saleti is an extremely beautiful woman, born into a wealthy [[Jatt]] family of the |Sayyal] clan. [[Ranjha]] (whose first name is Dheedo; Ranjha is the surname), also a Jatt, is the youngest of four brothers and lives in the village Takht Hazara by the river Chenab. Being his father's favorite son, unlike his brothers who had to toil in the lands, he led a life of ease playing the flute (wanjhli). After a quarrel with his brothers over land, Ranjha leaves home. In Waris Shah's version of the epic, it is said that Ranjha left his home because his brothers' wives refused to give him food. Eventually he arrives in Heer's village and falls in love with her. Heer offers Ranjha a job as caretaker of her father's cattle. She becomes mesmerised by the way Ranjha plays his flute (Wanjhli/[[Bansuri]]) and eventually falls in love with him. They meet each other secretly for many years until they are caught by Heer's jealous uncle, Kaido, and her parents Chuchak and Malki. Heer is forced by her family and the local priest or [[mullah]] to marry another man called Saida Khera.
Ranjha is heartbroken. He is left to walk the quiet villages on his own until eventually he meets a Jogi (ascetic). On finding Gorakh at [[Tilla Jogian]] (probably the shrine of the saint, [[Gorakhnath|Baba Gorakhnath]], who was the founder of the "Kanphata"(pierced ear) sect of ascetics('Jogis')), Ranjha voluntarily becomes a Jogi, piercing his ears and renouncing the material world. Reciting the name of the Lord, "[[Alakh Niranjan]]", on his travels around the Punjab, he eventually finds the village where he is reunited with Heer.
The two return to Heer's village, where Heer's parents agree to their marriage. However, on the wedding day, Heer's jealous uncle Kaido poisons her food so that the wedding will not take place. Hearing this news, Ranjha rushes to aid Heer, but he is too late, as she has already eaten the poison and died. Brokenhearted once again, Ranjha takes the poisoned [[Laddu]] which Heer has eaten and dies by her side.
Heer and Ranjha are buried in a Punjabi town called [[Jhang]], [[Punjab (Pakistan)|Punjab]]. Lovers and others often pay visits to their mausoleum.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Name Muhammad(saw) appeared at SKY
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Blood Balti 2007
Blood Balti 2007
Last night 2nd of April , in support of Sohni Dharti 70 to 80 peoples walked through the Blood Balti door, out of them 42 made to Blood Bank , although compare to hard work we done in advertisement and the food we prepared , public response was less but we are proud to say that we have done a great deed , a whisper of a nurse in my ears “Another life is saved” still echoing in my mind, we can not make deference to world but we are sure the Gift of Life we have made, will make a big deference for those who are on receiving end of Blood Balti
Sohni Dharti is very thankful to all who came , grateful to those who helped us to organised this Blood Balti , special thanks to PANZ G/S Imtiaz Khan for making the DVD of Blood Balti , Imran Aslam for taking on BBQ, Sharyar (MOON) for taking the responsibility of photography and Ch Yaqoob and Khalid Khan for helping Sohni Dharti all the way and Radio APNA for their support
Our first aim was, the blood only
Our objectives were , to bring education , information and awareness about Blood donations , we have achieved it by introducing more then 42 new people to blood bank
Theme of Blood Balti was, GUP SHUP , see picture , we have done this in very well mannered
Focus , we are very happy to see that all of us have justified with the BBQ
Dish of the day was CHICKEN BALTI , this time have no shortage of any thing
Till last moment we missed Mr Bhatti , who is one of the sponsors of Blood Balti and because of him we couldn’t find momentum for entertainment