What is Blood Balti?
Blood Balti is combination of two words Blood stand for Blood and Balti has two meanings of it. Balti stand for bucket or container and Balti stand for a Punjabi dish cooked in wok.
So Blood Bank brings a Balti (bucket) in shapes of bags, to collect Blood. We bring Balti (wok) in shape of dish. Sohni Dharti invites peoples from all walks of life to donate Blood
What is Sohni Dharti?
Sohni Dharti is a web based group of few people who are organizing Blood Balti every year since 2002.
Where do these Blood donations go?
Blood bank of NZ. is sole provider of all blood requirements of blood in NZ's hospitals, Blood Bank collect it process it and send it whenever it is required. To meet the demand blood bank need healthy blood donors all the time. Specially during holidays because need of blood don’t stop
Do I have to donate blood if I come to Blood Balti?
NO! Neither it is compulsory nor is it a condition to join Blood Balti. Just come along bring a friend or two with you enjoy FREE BBQ, Music and Gup Shup. It is all about educating and brings awareness to our community that how a little act of donating blood can change the world of recipient.
How can I join Blood Balti?
Very simple , Just Text your name to BillaG.022 4245524. Then you will be receiving a reminder text message every weak regarding Blood Balti
visit You Tube see last years event Blood Balti 2010
What is Sohni Dharti?
Sohni Dharti is a web based group of few people who are organizing Blood Balti every year since 2002.
Where do these Blood donations go?
Blood bank of NZ. is sole provider of all blood requirements of blood in NZ's hospitals, Blood Bank collect it process it and send it whenever it is required. To meet the demand blood bank need healthy blood donors all the time. Specially during holidays because need of blood don’t stop
Do I have to donate blood if I come to Blood Balti?
NO! Neither it is compulsory nor is it a condition to join Blood Balti. Just come along bring a friend or two with you enjoy FREE BBQ, Music and Gup Shup. It is all about educating and brings awareness to our community that how a little act of donating blood can change the world of recipient.
How can I join Blood Balti?
Very simple , Just Text your name to BillaG.022 4245524. Then you will be receiving a reminder text message every weak regarding Blood Balti
visit You Tube see last years event Blood Balti 2010