Friday, April 18, 2003

Hot News (17th April)

CHAKWAL April 17. The alleged charges of marry making
of Nazim Union Council Munara Jahangir Awan were not
leveled by us against him as it was claimed by
Jahangir Awan during his press conference some days
ago.  This was stated by defeated Nazim and Naib Nazim
Union Council Munara Malik Zafar Awan and Malik Astan
Ali in a press conference on Thursday.  Both these
told that they were not present in their area when the
incident of marry making of Jahangir Awan Nazim was
occurred in Kallar Kahar rest house.  The farmer
Chairman Malik Abdul Razaq and Malik Adalat Khan of
Munara charged that the said Nazim Jahangir Awan was
arrested with a girl from the room of Kallar Kahar
rest house by the Police but later on after paying
16,000 to Police the case was not registered against
the couple and both were released, they further told
that the car of Nazim Jahangir remained stationed at
Kallar Kahar Police Station for three days as after
the payment the car was released.  Malik Abdul Razaq
and Adalat Khan asked the investigation Officer DSP
Ch: Muhammad Younas to hold an open katchery of the
elite of Union Council Munara and Noor Pur and
investigation officer whose is conducting the inquiry
of this incident should bring the employees of Kallar
Kahar rest house who were present when the couple was
arrested by the Police and the Sub Inspector who
conducted the raid.  These people who were the
eye-witnesses of this incident should make their
statement on oath before the katchery, the matter will
come into limelight and those found guilty should be
deal according to the law.  Malik Adalat Khan also
challenged that if Jahangir Awan came out with any
councilor of his Union Council in his favour and that
councilor should give his statement on Holy Quran in
favour of Jahangir Awan, we will not proceed against
Jahangir Awan he will be declared innocent. 

CHAKWAL April 17. A seminar regarding the rights of
the women councilors that were elected in the District
Government should be held at District Council Hall
Chakwal on 18th April.  This seminar is arranged by
Aurat Foundation and all the elected councilors of 68
Union Councils will participate in this seminar.
District Nazim Chakwal Sardar Ghulam Abbas will be the
chief guest.  The problems faced by the elected women
councilors, their powers and their status in the
Government institutions will be discussed in the

CHAKWAL April 17. A documentary film on District
Chakwal was prepared by PTV World in which the
problems of the people were highlighted while the
historical and archeological importance of this area
was also discussed in this documentary.  The film was
prepared with the cooperation of Chakwal Forum and
this film District Nazim Chakwal Sardar Ghulam Abbas,
District Police Officer Chakwal Ch: Muhammad Zaman
Langrial, District Bait-ul-Maal Committee Chairman
Raja Mujahid Afsar, Nazim Union Council Noor Pur Malik
Ashraf Bhalial, Naib Nazim Malik Muhammad Sarwar,
Educationist Professor Hamid-Ullah Hashmi, Professor
M.K.Mughal, Raja Yasir Sarfraz and Patron-in-Chief of
Siqara Educational System Moulana Muhammad Akram Awan
were interviewed in this film.  The film will be
telecast on 3rd May in the program of PTV World Kisan
Time at 1300 hours. 

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