Dear only and only one Pakistani Patriot in the universe,
It is not good if Pakistan association is not helping this person. According to me it is the first person who could not get help from pakistan association, may be due to some bad reasons. Some body told me that the above said person applied for refugee case and he showed himself as an anti Pakistani. If it is so, no one should help him. If it is true it is a matter of shame for those people who are helping an anti pakistan person. if it is not true then pakistani people must help him. I am not sure for this case. If some body knows the actual reason, can you explain it please.
Abdul Qudoos Saqib
>From: "Sohni Dharti"
>Reply-To: "Sohni Dharti"
>To: "Sohni Dharti"
>Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 14:58:49 -0700
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I don’t know Pakistan association help him or not, it there decision, But what I do know that if NZ immigration send this gentleman back Pakistan, worse can happen to him, first of all Pakistan govt will send him in to jail, then he would be treated as animal in jail, after suffering few years in jail he would be hanged to death in name of treason against Pakistan, then we all say “ one less treacherous in Pakistan”, you tell me where else he can go, Can he go to India, Bangladesh, or Burma, on matter what his thought are we should help him because he is a Pakistani and human as well, I tell you one thing even in paradise you will find anti paradise people, we should not give him death sentence just because of this, that he is anti Pakistani, at the end I would like to request all Sohni Dhartian if any one can come forward to help this man
PANZ is trying its best to help this man out of Jail. We contacted the person, his solicitor and Mt. Eden prison officers. We are trying our best to help this man on basis of purely humanitarian basis. Tanweer Syed President PANZ
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