Friday, June 27, 2003

Unipolar World: not in human interest

Unipolar World: not in human interest
After the collapse of USSR in early nineties, USA emerged as sole superpower in the world signalling a dangerous era for balance of power on the globe. As a prime military economic and technological power, USA started to decisively influence the world events and manipulations in the international arena. As a matter of fact two world wars helped America to end its isolation. It is since 1945 that USA has been making inroads in the world. It appears to be quite natural for the USA as it developed ‘power’ in all dimensions. It is in the nature of power to radiate. The military and economic might of any country is bound to create waves across its borders. Power of ‘Ideas’, technology, ideology and the like radiate like atomic radiation.
US has military bases in nearly six dozen countries, besides having control over economy of the world through IMF, World Bank and other institutionalized mechanisms. If viewed in this context of US-Vietnam war, attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, its projection of power in the world, threats to Iran, Syria and bullying of European countries are the manifestations of US power radiation. The sole objective of USA and its supporter, a small island kingdom called UK is to create a unipolar world through the use or threat of use of force.
what do you think?

1 comment:

بـــلاجی MSN said...

America is dangerous mixture of power and wealth , When too much of power and too much wealth gather even in personal life gets upset, to neutralize the danger there is one tool Justice, blinded by heavy dose of power and wealth, America is not seeing Justice or doing the justice, By waging war on Iraq in name of democracy and in Afghanistan to root out the fundamentalism, on other hand US is sporting Saudi Arab, where an absolute King rule the country like sheep farm, hight of fundamentalism is this Saudi women are living life worse then sheepes , US does not preach his ideas or ideology in these “CHAPLOOS” country , other means if you are “CHAPLOOS” then its ok other wise get ready for collusion of civilisations A message for third world leaders democracy is knocking at the door, open it or it would be break by democracy and this case we all will regret it as Iran is doing