Saturday, May 29, 2004

Ethnic Affairs

Pakistan Association of New Zealand attended the function of Ethnic Affairs with regard to its moving from old office to the new one. The new office is now situated at level 7, 99 Albert Street. PANZ was invited to attend by Establishment Director Sonja Rathgan. The meeting started with David King welcoming the guests in Maori language and was followed by ethnic community response by Mr. Nyunt Naing Thein from Burmese community. Chris Blake Chief Executive Department of Internal Affairs made a short speech and invited Ethnic Minister Hon Chris Carter to come to the stage. Chris Carter spoke at length about the role of ethnic communities in development of multi-cultural New Zealand. He referred to the festivals of Lintern, Devali and Eid as the symbols of cultural diversity. Sonja Rathgen Establishment Director of the office of Ethnic Affairs introduced the office staff to the guests from different ethnic communities. After the speech the guest mixed and mingled with each other and discussed ways and means of promoting communication between various ethnic groups. Shahid Azad, acting president PANZ met Ethnic Minister Hon Chris Carter and invited him for Independence Day Function that would be held on 14 August 2004. The Hon Minister graciously promised to attend the function. Two members PANZ team also included Rana Nasir, member Media Watch and Response Group. The team had useful discussion with Ethnic Council President and other ethnic organizations as well as media people and need of mutual cooperation and understanding was agreed upon in every case.



Haroon Ahmed

General Secretary  

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