Monday, April 25, 2005

Congratulation , Mr BARKAT

Today Sohni Dharti arranged a lunch party in honour of one of our inner circle member and sprite of Blood Balti, on his citizenship Rapheal BARKAT, Mr. Barkat :- is an active member of Pakistani community and Sohni Dharti. In March, 2004, when Sohni Dharti organised BLOOD DONORS party , Mr Barkat was a tower of strength and assisted every way possible. it was Mr Barkat who made SEEHK KABAB for all donors, which was dish of day that time



1 comment:

hashmi MSN said...

Dear billa jee and Raja Naeem Raja   Its Raphael Barket here;   I am very very thankful to you for giving such a wounderful respect to me and my brother on his  visit to New Zealand. I am also greatful to you for giving me supporting letters for getting my citizenship in New Zealnd. Through this great website i also wana convey my great thanks to Mr. Shahid Azad, President of Pakistan Association of New Zealand for giving me good  character certificate as a good pakistani in the community, which helps me in getting my citizenhip.   God bless all Pakistanis & Sohni Dharti  !!      Raphael Barket