We should avoid personal remarks and direct accusation of each other this will lead to hater and unwanted conflicts between the people. This is a very dangerus practice some people are doing at the net. We shoudl be well aware of some basic priniciple,
where we can make direct accusation and remarks,
-when we are in a court to get justice
-when our statement can give justice to somebody else
-when God direct us to do so
-when we are oppressed (Muzloom) and have to accuse oppressor(Zalam)
In all other situations we can only give our statement indircetly whiout mentioning anybody. This is bounded by Islam and also in all ethics of world, once a person came to the prophet with redish hair( he dyed hairs red} prophet didn't like his hair color but never mentioned directly when people asked the prophet it was a miner issue and prophet could directly object him prophet gave his prudence and stopped people from direct accusation and statements agaist each other. What others have did with us is a past what we are doing with others is a present so we should not altar our present at our past, nobody lives in past so we also have to live in the present.
It is Something Natural The forces of good and evil are always at war with each other in this world. These forces use to create different characters which, with the time being, come at this land in different shapes. It is something natural that these characters grow up in separate environment the nature of one character is different from other. Then the time comes when both reach at examination center. There is a big difference between these characters. One becomes favorite to God and the other dies forever. One is Abraham and the other is Numrood.
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared , ambition inspired and success achieved Do right , do your best. treat others as you want to be treated
Asslamyalycum, Yes you are right character is a developing and ever changing thing of human entity but one should have the clear understanding of the situation that he has to develop a good character as per good ethics of the world, he has to leave bad and adopt good. The delima is this that most of the people don't want to change their character and make excuses for their misconduct and bad deeds so this is the area in which we can help our friends to mention his bad traits of the personality and we should do this to get a good society. Once he uses to accept his bad deeds he is starting to change. May Allah forgive us
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