Monday, October 31, 2005

Comunity demandsPANZ Gen-Sec Resignation

PANZ G.S Imtiaz khan has left pakistan the day PANZ started a fund raising compaign for the victims of earth quake disaster in Northern Pakstan. It was very easy to put his hands up for the nomination for PANZ general secartry designation but in reality do you think he is justifying his position? The whole community in New Zealand trying to collect dollar-dollar from door to door and from their contacts and here Mr. Imtiaz who has left for pakistan without informing his cabinet and without taking the other members of the comunity into consideration and left the nation behind.
Question No 1. DO WE REALLY NEED THAT PERSON IN PANZ? I have gone through his plans, what is he doing or planning to do in pakistan which is nothing but a SMOOTH TALK. His ideas and plan are illogical and unacceptable absolutely crap and doubtful.Whoever will support this idea of sending money to him has to be responsible in front of the community. Either that is Mr. Shahid Azad or ANYONE.
Question NO 2. WHY SHOULD THE COMMUNITY SUPPORT A PERSON WHO INTENTIONALLY LEFT THE COMMUNITY IN THIS VERY MOMENT OF NEED AND URGENCY? He never declared his plans or take permission from the public who spent their time collecting around $114000 in three weeks. 
Question No 3. WHERE HIS CREDIBILITY STANDS? I had never against anything about him. But I have to put my voice in where we are looking at a person to manage this huge amount in pakistan, Who even doesnot have an abilty to manage his personal accounts. I noticed him on all community occaisions that unlike other community volunteers he has played a minimal role in any event. He is a hard rabit to chase. Never attends his mobile when we needed. Having a main PANZ office in Mount Roskill, He failed to perfomed his duties as a G.S of PANZ.
Community is giving him two options:
1. Public Apology. (Not to be a part of the fund raising compaign)
2. Resignation. (Easy way out)
Have your say?    


akhtarpakiwi1 MSN said...

Salam Grumpy- Voice Please get your facts right.  PANZ General Secretary didnot leave the country as you are claiming on the day the fund raising campaign started.  He was one of the persons present at The Waitakere Indian  Festival where a major fundraising for earthquake victims was done.  You can view theses photos on PANZ webpage.  He was even responsible for deliving the collection boxes at some of the venues and actively involved in the Earthquake Relief work until the day he left for Pakistan.  He is a very honourable and responsible memeber of the community who has done and is still doing a lot for the PANZ and pakistani community.  He has been present and has given his full support at all the functions dating back to the Pakistan President's visit and Pakistan Indepence day.  He handed over the account to Finance Secretary before he left and had informed PANZ President of his departure.  He has spent his own money for his airfare and to set up a tent for PANZ NZ in earthquake affected area. To date is spending money out of his own pocket for the refief work he is carrying out.  Those he know him well are aware of his commitment for the community and for someone like you to raise doubt on his creditbilty is a SHAME. His office in Mt Roskill is still being used by PANZ for community work even in his absence.  FOR SOMEONE LIKE YOU TO ASK HIM TO JUSTIFY HIS ACTIONS IS NOT ONLY A SHAME BUT A DISGRACE.  IF YOU DONOT TRUST YOUR OWN SELECTED COMMUNITY MEMBER THAN WHAT MORE CAN I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    

grumpy-voice MSN said...

Okay fine we can tell the dearest community members this sweet story but dont being Mr G.S on a responsible position should tell the president. He was unaware of that. Niether Mr Azad. If they try to clear the air now, I guess its too late for that. the way things were going, This bloon had to blow up somehow. Cabinet members should take responsibilty. Who's idea was that to ask for public opinion on the money transfer. Where was Mr Azad when they had meeting in mount roskill office. Why is he starting this new compaign. What are the motives. Someone asked why Mr haroon resigned? Coz Mr Azad know the funds cannot be transfered without Treasurer concent. In this crucial time Mr.haroon resigned just because he was trapped by Mr Azad's. and resigned. He knew that the only way we can black mail the president and hand over the money to Mr imtiaz in pakistan. When we ask them where the money and container will be address to. They are giving an internet cafe address in pakistan. How professional.  I dont have to tell you everything here. Just ask them these question.

gspanz20051 MSN said...

Dear Mr grimpy voice.   thank you for your remarks about the general secretary. First of all I think you need to show your identity? Secondly for your information The genral secreatry has started this job by putting first ad on Sohini dharti and than on the 10th The first grand meeting was in his office which was shown on TV1 and Tv3 3 in NZ, And if you watched triangle T.V General secretary was appealing the people of Nz for donations, Mt Roskill mosque the first friday after quake He was the one present and incharge there, Who arranged the President Musharraf dinner? Who was in 14th Aug? who was in Eid millan Party? Who arranged 23rd Mar? Who sponsered Pak society ket team? I think you need to brush up your memory. Who vsited Willingtin on personal costs to see Forighn Minister Qusoori and started efforts for Embassy here? How the credit card acceptence started? Who attended President staff here? Who set the office for the President of Pakistan here? Who was standing for donations of earthquake victims in Waitakere stadium? Who used his office for free from the last one year? You do not hve the courage to show your identity? He never asked for any cash? All he asked for team to be sent? As you know the curuption especialy in local bodies. He respect GOP and the president of Pakistan He never said a word against the President? General secretary has spend his own NZ $ 12000.00 for relief efforts here in Balakot, Batgram? Its a shame or you out of your sence asking General secretary what G.S doing there? I am sking you what are you doing there? Come her and see NWFP and Kashmir gone through Qayamat. Here the school kids have lost their parents, parents lost their small children, mothers lost their loved youg children, the whole Balakot is destroyed? the mosques were gone shaheed, The children need shelter, G.S is sending some photose that what he is doing here? Its very easy to say than do. It is very disappointing that some people just know critisim but they do not know they this is the time to act and help. The g.S own cousin was fighting for this country gone missing? Aey Allah educate these people and I wish they come here and see, they will forget the comforts of NZ. Why the Americans and Brtish left their home why the Malysians and Japnese left their comforts? why the Koreans and Cubans left their homelands to  help our brothers than DO WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO STAY IN COMFORT?  For your info ask the President of PANZ (G.S did informed the President and all cabinet handed over the accounts to Haroon Finance secretary).   At least at these days of Qayamat we should tell the truth I request For Allah please please do not do Polictics on the victoms of earthquake please If you can not help just keep quite? You do not Know whats happening here< As its very different to see on the T.V and come here and sit with these people on the ground without sheltor.   Thank you