My Prophat was not a Moulvi, he was a genuine messenger, honest and very charished and beloved personality he was a freind of his enimies, he forbid the status of moliviism in Islam, he forbid a permanant Imam in the mosque or any permanant speaker at every Jumma, only time of prayer was fixed and any availible muslim could preside the prayers, permanant Imam, and Juma speaker is appointed after the Caliphood due to the political needs and manuplatation of the Shataan Dictators who are our heroes and kings, Some people at the time of Prophat destained in the mosque of Madina they left the world and its links all the time they were in meditation with the God ALLah loved them and ordered his prophat to serve them " oh Prophat don't go away from them least God will leave you" they were the friends of God and from them saint and Sufis of Allah started comming Quran clearly states" Allah never leave his uninverse without his saints" thats why after the prophat saints and Sufis are continued to come for the guidence of the people these are the people with the power of God " Baba Frid, Buddah, Goru Nanik, Mother treasa, etc all were destained by the God in my last article some people had the object that who was frid to order the people, Frid was a true saint of Islam he transformed the mud into Gold only with the recitaion of Quran he converted millions of people to muslims wrote several books and died in Namaz on 5 th of Muharam, his teachings are against molvism and show of, if we disrespect our saints we disrespect Quran.
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