As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuhu
All Praise is due to Allah azza wajal, Durood and Salaams upon His most
perfect and unique of creations, the Intercessor of the Sinners,
Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam, upon his family, companions
the righteous servants till Qiyamah.
All Praise is due to Allah azza wajal, Durood and Salaams upon His most
perfect and unique of creations, the Intercessor of the Sinners,
Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam, upon his family, companions
the righteous servants till Qiyamah.
> 6 Ladies Accepting Islam
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P.S : What if ALLAH ask you at the Day of Resurrection " What you did for Muslim Ummah ? " , Have you thought about it?? Atleast you can play your role by forwarding Islamic Informations and Educating about Islam.
How to Prevent Family Disorders To prevent family disorders, married men and women need to keep certain points in mind and practice them in their lives, as below: 1) One of the basic points for successful family life is self-knowledge. Every man and woman has certain capabilities and limitations, which they need to discover within themselves. The husband and wife, who are clearly aware of their good and bad points and the reality of their personalities, will have fewer disputes in their family lives. Then it is necessary that the husband and wife accept one another and love one another with all his/her faults and finer points. 2) The husband and wife should respect one another and should not do anything to cause disrespect or hate in the other party. Married couples should hold themselves and their spouses in high regard and should be aware that if they want or like their spouses to be or act according to their own opinions, it is only going to be a waste of time and effort. People are all different. Married couples should accept one another as they are, and not try to compare one another to others, because this only inflicts psychological injury. 3) Married couples should foster their talents. Couples can become acquainted with their particular talents in various fields, for example, sports, physical expertise, interest in study, and other fields. The more that couples study and read about different topics, on a daily basis, the more valuable their lives will become. 4) Couples need to form close relationships with others. The reason for many family disputes lies in separation and seclusion from others. A husband and wife, who like others are part of the society, need the support, calm and assurance that come from others - ( e.g., family members, friends, neighbors, etc.). For this reason it is necessary to have close, active affectionate and at the same time healthy and well-rooted relationships with others in order to prevent family disputes. Shahji
We Need this Love SO many people have tried to define love. Often it means different things to different people. Everyone admits they need it. It seems to be an emotion; a feeling of bonding between people. But does it occur in a snap? There are certain ingredients which it contains; upon which it is built. Without them, love will not be found. People need to be respected, listened to, forgiven, taught and their needs must be met. If such aspects are missed love does not emerge. How often people look at their spouse and think that at that moment, they really hate them. Then at a future time see another aspect of their personality and feel a deep loving feeling towards them. No one loves somebody all the time. Human beings are very complicated and can experience so many emotions at the same time. There are also many sides to our personalities. Yet relationships are often based on this abstract emotion called 'love' and when it disappears the relationship often dissolves. Perhaps if we wait a little and be patient we will see another side of the person which is more acceptable and to our liking. We can learn to 'love' that part of the person and try to ignore the other parts. People are not disposable. Remember that love of Allah is the type of love you should be seeking all your life. This love will make you believe that you have to spend your short life serving Him, helping people, feeding the needy, giving regular charity to those who need it...etc. This love is the real love that gives meaning to our life.
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