Saturday, September 29, 2007
"Schtrathewisizeski Vocgefastilongchinic."
"Not only have you been driving too fast,
you've been passing cars where it is not allowed.
Your lights don't work, your tires all completely worn out.
This is surely going to cost you a lot. What's your name?"
"Schtrathewisizeski Vocgefastilongchinic."
"Well, I'll let you go this time but don't do it again."
Friday, September 28, 2007
AQ Khan
Many in Pakistan see Dr Khan as a hero for developing its first nuclear bomb. BBC. Report
The believers, men and women, are Auliy창' (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another, they enjoin (on the people) Al-Ma'r청f (i.e. Isl창mic Monotheism and all that Isl창m orders one to do), and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. polytheism and disbelief of all kinds, and all that Isl창m has forbidden); they perform As-Sal창t (Iq창mat-as-Sal창t) and give the Zak창t, and obey All창h and His Messenger. All창h will have His Mercy on them. Surely All창h is All-Mighty, All-Wise.[ At-Taubah:71]
184. Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Whoever amongst you sees an evil, he must change it with his hand; if he is unable to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is unable to do so, then with his heart; and that is the weakest form of Faith".[Muslim].
Thursday, September 27, 2007
[AEN] 3 Oct: Immigration Bill Public Meeting
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 08:22:14 +1200
Subject: Fwd: [AEN] 3 Oct: Immigration Bill Public Meeting
>>> Peace Movement Aotearoa26/09/2007 2:04 p.m. >>> Apologies for cross posting. Forwarded on behalf of the Human Rights Foundation
Immigration Bill Public Meeting
This draconian Bill could affect any traveller, not only immigrants and asylum-seekers. Hear immigration lawyers and community representatives discuss the Immigration Bill:
Wednesday, 3 October at 5pm
Lynfield Room, Fickling Centre, 546 Mt Albert Rd, Three Kings, Auckland
All welcome. Organised by the Human Rights Foundation, Amnesty International, and the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand, contact A printable A4 poster for this meeting is available at
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Peace Movement Aotearoa (PMA)
the national networking peace organisation
PO Box 9314, Wellington 6141, Aotearoa New Zealand
Tel +64 4 382 8129, fax 382 8173 email
PMA website -
Not in Our Name -
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As part of its nine month long survey to analyse soil quality for construction of tunnels for the proposed Lahore Rapid Mass Transit (LPMT), a French company SISTRA has completed a survey of 27 out of the 90 points, Daily Times was told on Wednesday.
Officials said the soil samples had been sent to France for analysis and the decision about the type of tunnels would be taken on the basis of the results.
Transport Secretary Agha Nadeem said the provincial government would start the construction of basic infrastructure for the LRMT by October 2007, adding that the commencement of work depended upon the findings of soil analysis tests.
French Company SISTRA had hired local geologists to carry out the survey and soil samples were being analysed at local and international geological laboratories, Nadeem said.
He said the survey would help in deciding as to what kind of foundations, underground stations, underground walls and pillars should be constructed.
The Punjab government was planning to construct Green Lane, Orange Lane, Purple Lane and Blue Lane for the LRMT. The contract for the design of Green Lane that will be constructed in the first phase was given to the SISTRA. The Green Lane will have 22 stations, including 12 underground stations and it will cost Rs 200 billion. A 27-killometres long railway track from Shahdara to Hamza Town will be constructed in the first phase of the project, including 12 kilometres of the elevated track from Hamza Town to Model Town, while the remaining track from Model Town to Data Darbar will be underground that will pass through Ferozepur Road, Fatima Jinnah Road and The Mall.
The Orange Lane will start from the Lahore Railways Station and end at Thokar Niaz Baig and it will pass through Mcleod Road, the GPO, Chauburji, Multan Road and GT Road. The system has the capacity to carry 30,000 commuters in an hour. The project will be completed by 2011.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Urgent - Auckland City Mayoral Election
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 21:44:51 -0700
Subject: Fwd: Urgent - Auckland City Mayoral Election
john hinchcliffwrote: From: "john hinchcliff"
To: "john hinchcliff"
Subject: Urgent - Auckland City Mayoral Election
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:35:51 +1200
Urgent - Auckland City Mayoral Election
(Please forward to five of your friends/relatives who are eligible to vote
in the Auckland City local elections)
On 21st September, the voting papers for the Auckland City Mayoral Elections
are mailed out to all electors.
What kind of mayor do you want? The present Mayor and the former Mayor have
failed voters.
There are 15 contenders offering to lead Auckland City for the next three
John Hinchcliff is a clear choice because he stands for:
* Approachable leadership
* People participation
* Effective, affordable, financial management and
* A single city for Auckland
I am voting for John Hinchcliff for these reasons and I hope you will too.
Every elector (person entitled to vote and on the Electoral Roll) will
receive voting papers in a few days following Friday 21st September. If you
have not received your voting papers by the 28th September, please call the
Electoral Officer at 3077211. Voting is by POSTAL VOTING only
Electors may post their completed voting papers back to the electoral
officer using a pre-paid envelope which will be sent with the voting
documents. A polling place for the issuing of special voting papers and for
the receiving of completed voting papers will be available from Friday 21
September 2007 to noon Saturday 13 October 2007 at:
* the electoral office (level 2, 360 Queen Street, Auckland)
* the Waiheke service centre (10 Belgium Street, Ostend)
* the Great Barrier service centre (Claris).
Further drop-off vote collection points will also be made available in all
Auckland City Libraries from 9am to
noon on the Election Day, Saturday 13 October 2007.
To be counted, all completed voting documents must be in the hands of the
electoral officer or deputy electoral officer by noon, Saturday 13 October
Please pass this email message onto five Auckland City voters.
Vote John Hinchcliff - Experienced Leadership For A Change.
Your assistance is appreciated.
Thank you.
Ross Mathieson
Campaign Committee
Click here for John's video message:
Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. It's easy! Try it!
asks for a seven ten cap. We all looked at each other and said,
"What's a seven ten cap?"
She said "You know, it's right on the engine. Mine got lost some how
and I need a new one."
"What kind of a car is it on," they asked?
Now I'm thinking maybe an old Datsun Seven Ten, but no,
she said its a Buick. "
OK lady, how big is it?" She makes a circle with her hands
about 3 1/2 inches in diameter. "What does it do?," we asked.
She said, "I don't know, but its always been there."
One of us gave her a note pad and asked her if she could draw a pic-
ture of it. So she makes a circle about 3 1/2 inches in diameter and in
the center she writes 710.
The guys behind the counter are looking at it upside down as
she writes it...and they just fall down behind the counter laughing
so hard in hysterics.
One guy said " I think you want an oil cap."
She said, "Seven Ten cap, oil cap, I don't care what you
call it, I just need one, and I don't see what is so damn funny
about it." Yes, she was a blonde.
Note: If you read "710" upside down.... it is spells OIL!!!!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
نواز کا فائیو سٹار خواب
ٹرک پر رکھے اس کنٹینر کی چھت پر نواز شریف سمیت چھبیس مسلم لیگی اور اے پی ڈی ایم کے مرکزی لیڈروں کے لیے خصوصی لگژری کرسیاں لگائی گئی تھیں۔ ساؤنڈ سسٹم لگایا گیا تھا، سٹیج بنایا گیا تھا اور اسی کنٹینر پر وہ ڈائس تھا جس پر کھڑے ہوکر نواز شریف نے عوام کے ’ٹھاٹھیں مارتے سمندر‘ سے خطاب کرنا تھا۔
سٹیج کے نیچے آرام کے لیے کمرہ بنایا گیا تھا جس کو ٹھنڈا رکھنے کے لیے اس میں ائر کنڈیشنر لگایا گیا۔ ائر کنڈیشنر کو چلانے کے لیے ہیوی جرنیٹر نصب کیا گیا اور لیڈر کی استراحت کے لیے ایک نرم گدیلے بستر کاانتظام کیاگیا۔
یہ تمام انتظامات کروانے والوں نے یقیناً سوچا ہوگا کہ میاں نواز شریف کے اسلام آباد سے لاہور کے سفر کے دوران چپے چپے پر ان کا استقبال ہوگا ۔انہوں نے اندازہ لگایا ہوگا کہ چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان جیسی غیر سیاسی شخصیت اگر اتنا سفر چھتیس گھنٹے میں طے کرتی ہے تو میاں نواز شریف جیسی مقبول اور عوامی شخصیت کو تو اس سے کئی گنا زیادہ وقت لگ سکتا ہے۔
بات اسی کنٹینر پر ختم نہیں ہوگئی بلکہ چار مزید بڑے ٹرالر اس کے علاوہ تیار کیےگئے تھے۔ ان میں سے بیس بیس فٹ والے دو کنٹینر ٹرک صحافیوں کے لیے تھے۔ایک پر میاں نواز شریف اور ان کے استقبالیوں کی کوریج کے لیے مقامی ذرائع ابلاغ کے رپورٹرز اور فوٹوگرافرز وغیرہ نے بیٹھنا تھا اور دوسرا بین الاقوامی ذرائع ابلاغ کے نمائندوں کے لیے مختص تھا۔
پینتالیس پینتالیس فٹ کے مزید دو بڑے ٹرالر بھی موجود تھے۔یہ ان لیڈروں کے لیےتھے جنہوں نے نواز شریف کے ہمراہ سفر کرنا تھا۔ ہر ٹرالر پر پچاس پچاس لیڈروں کے بیٹھنے کی جگہ تھی۔
اس کے علاوہ چودہ چھوٹی بڑی نئی گاڑیوں یعنی لگژری جیپوں اور کاروں کا انتظام کیا گیا تھا تاکہ یہ میاں نواز شریف کے اس فائیو سٹار سٹیج کے آگے پیچھے چل سکیں۔
مسلم لیگی ذرائع نے بتایا کہ گاڑیوں کا یہ خالی قافلہ نواز شریف کی آمد سے ایک رات قبل خاموشی سے لاہور سے لے جاکر راولپنڈی میں ترنول کے مقام پر کھڑا کردیا گیا تھا۔
منصوبے کے مطابق اسے آخری وقت تک چھپائے رکھنا تھا کیونکہ اگر حکومت کے علم میں آجاتا تو گاڑیوں کا یہ قافلہ ہائی جیک ہوسکتا تھا۔
مسلم لیگی ذرائع |
ان مسلم لیگی کارکنوں میں سے جن کی ڈیوٹی ان گاڑیوں کے ساتھ تھی، ایک نےاپنا نام ظاہر نہ کرنے کی شرط پر بتایا کہ وہ سب ساری رات اور پھر اگلا دن انتظارکرتے رہے کہ انہیں ائر پورٹ بلانےکی کال آئےگی اور وہ اپنے محبوب لیڈر کو لیکر جلوس کی شکل میں سست روی سے لاہور کی جانب روانہ ہوسکیں گے لیکن پاکستانی سیاست نے کچھ اور ہی رنگ دِکھانا تھا۔
مسلم لیگ (ن) کی تمام حکمت عملیاں ناکام، مقامی لیڈروں کی پھرتیاں اور نواز شریف کو دکھائے گئے خواب جھوٹے ثابت ہوئے۔
مسلم لیگی کارکن ٹرک ٹرالر لیے کھڑے رہے اور میاں نواز شریف لاہور کی بجائے جدہ روانہ کردیے گئے۔
مسلم لیگ کے ایک چھوٹے کارکن رہنما نے بتایا کہ پانچ میں سے چار ٹرکوں کو واپس کردیا گیا ہے جبکہ ائرکنڈیشنڈ کنٹینر کو لاہور لایا جارہا ہے۔
یہ کنٹینر، نواز شریف کی عوام کے دلوں پر راج کرنے اور ان کندھوں پر سوار ہوکر اقتدار کے ایوان میں داخل ہونے کی ادھوری تمناؤں سے بھرا ہے۔
ان کے پرستار کارکنوں کا کہنا ہے کہ’اس کنٹینر کو نہیں توڑا جائے گا اور یہ نواز شریف کی پاکستان آمد کا منتظر رہے گا‘۔
City's Elections
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Last night LTSA 's seminar very helpful and informative about new law and regulation and they are going to enforce it ,
First 40 minutes were about new rules of star rating of companies and about TSL , TSL has 4 categories , PSL is one of it , to see these rules you can go to LTSA site
www.landtransport.govt.nzDuring the questions time , hardest question put up by owner of yellow cab .Abdul Qados . He said LTSA talk about road safety and they make rule for everyone's safety but do LTSA ever consider about taxi driver's safety , he added we get ticket of $150 on little mistake but when we report a runner , police say it is civil matter
Many drivers appropriated Abdu Qados question by clapping
In answer LTSA said , yes itis a hard question but are working very close with police to salve this matter
Another driver show them dishonoured cheque and said when took this matter to police , police say it is civil matter
We hope LTSA will take note of these questions to improve the safty of Taxi drivers who are already afraid of city council , police , LTSA and drunk customers
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Mohammed Ali Jinnah
Jinnah, Mohammed Ali (1876-1948), Indian politician and long-time leader of the Muslim League. Jinnah became the founding father of Pakistan and its first governor-general (1947-1948).
Jinnah was born in Karachi, a city in what is now Pakistan. (At that time, India and Pakistan were part of a British colony known as British India). Although his family, who were Muslim, came from the state of Rajkot in western India, Jinnah’s father was a prosperous merchant in Karachi. After being educated in Karachi and Bombay (now Mumbai), Jinnah studied law at Lincoln’s Inn in London, England, and was admitted to the bar in 1896. After serving briefly as a magistrate in Bombay, he practiced law in that city and soon rose to the top of the profession. He possessed strong advocacy skills and relied on his rhetorical ability to win many cases.
Jinnah’s first important contact with political affairs was in 1906, when he acted as private secretary to Dadabhai Naoroji, president of the Indian National Congress, a political organization that was working for Indian autonomy from British rule. In 1913 Jinnah joined the Muslim League, formed to protect Muslim interests against India’s Hindu majority, though at the time he still hoped for accord between the two groups. In 1916 he was elected president of the Muslim League and in 1919 became the representative of Bombay Muslims in the Imperial Legislative Council, a national legislative body with limited authority under the British colonial government. In the same year, however, the government enacted the Rowlatt Acts, which gave the Indian colonial authorities emergency powers to suppress so-called revolutionary activities. Jinnah, a staunch nationalist, resigned from the council in protest.
In 1920 the Indian National Congress launched the no cooperation movement, a mass campaign to boycott all aspects of British rule in India. Jinnah disagreed profoundly with the movement and resigned from the Congress. Jinnah advocated a moderate approach of cooperation with the British and gradual transfer of power. He continued to believe in the possibility of Hindu-Muslim unity, and worked strenuously toward that end in his second and third terms of office as president of the league. The differences between the Congress and the Muslim League were deep. Moreover, there was a serious personality clash between Jinnah and Mohandas Gandhi, the leader of the Congress. These differences emerged clearly in the Round Table Conference of 1930, where Indians and British members of parliament met to discuss India’s political future. Jinnah’s frustration at the impossibility of settlement led him to suspend his political activities for four years, during which time he practiced law in England. In 1934 he returned to India on a visit to preside over a Muslim League session and decided that he must remain permanently in India to look after Muslim interests.
The Government of India Act of 1935 transferred considerable power to Indian provincial governments, and in the general elections of 1937 the Congress won a majority in 7 of 11 provinces. The Congress refused to form coalition governments with the Muslim League as Jinnah had proposed. As a result, tensions between Hindus and Muslims grew rapidly. In Hindu-majority provinces, many Muslims felt they were unfairly treated, and at one point Jinnah demanded the appointment of a royal commission to inquire into their grievances. Most Muslims concluded that no legislative weighting or other safeguards could protect them in a united India, where the Hindus would be an overwhelming majority.
In March 1940 Jinnah presided over a Muslim League session at Lahore, where the first official demand was made for the partition of India and the creation of the state of Pakistan, in which Muslims would be a majority. During three decades of political life, Jinnah had believed in the possibility of Hindu-Muslim unity, and it was with the utmost reluctance that he came to the view that partition was essential.
Having reached this conclusion, however, Jinnah never change direction from it. His firmness through constitutional discussions between the league, the Congress, and the British government in 1942, 1945, and 1946 made partition certain. During these years Jinnah came to be known as Quaid-i-Azam, or “Great Leader.” When Pakistan was created on August 14, 1947, he became its first governor-general, and the title of Quaid-i-Azam was officially bestowed on him by a resolution of the first constituent assembly. Jinnah died of tuberculosis in Karachi in 1948.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
A: In the news.
A: They toasted the bride and groom.
I want to get married.
Father: Oh, so do you have someone special in your mind?
Johnny: Yes...Grandma
Father: What? There is a problem now; you want to marry my Mother?
Johnny: Why not? You married my mother
Monday, September 3, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
The Aim of Education
THE greatest objective of education is to prepare the young generation for leadership.
Islamic education, of course, has the highest objective. The aim of Islamic education is character building. Growth and development of an Islamic personality should be the final goal of any Islamic school. Islamic values are the foundation of the Islamic personality.
As Muslims our educational aim is to develop the personalities of our children fully so that they will be conscious of their responsibility to Allah (the Creator) and to fellow humans. The aims and objectives of Islamic education have been defined in the Recommendation of the Committee of the First World Conference on Muslim Education as:
"Education should aim at the balanced growth of the total personality of man through training of the human spirit, intellect, rational self, feelings and senses. The training imparted to a Muslim must be such that faith is infused into the whole of his/her personality and creates in him/her an emotional attachment to Islam and enables him to follow the Qur 'an and Sunnah and be governed by Islamic system of values willingly and joyfully so that he/she may proceed to the realization of his/her status as Khalifatullah to whom Allah has promised the authority of the universe."
We need to prepare the younger generation having leadership quality and not to be the followers of alien ideologies but to play the role of torchbearer by their excellence in knowledge, character, and positive action.
Some scholars believe that this quality can be developed in Muslim youth by a direct study of the Qur'an with a view to solve the problems of life in its light.
Every Muslim parent is advised to raise his or her children well and properly.
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said whoever is not kind to young people is not one of us and the best teaching that a parent can give a child is the teaching of good manners and character.
The Muslim child absorbs the Islamic values from its parents, teachers, peers, friends and the environment, including the care-givers
Nip it in the bud is the best advice. Otherwise once the Muslim child develops undesirable habits and unethical values, it becomes extremely difficult to reform the child into a good Muslim.