We did try democracy , which was, and is alien to us through the history of Islam. Before British Raj , India was shackled in chains of feudalism which was inherited to us people.
Except for the first Caliphate, power throughout Islamic history has been won and lost by the sword. This is true of other civilizations as well but while the world of West was able to make the changeover from kingdoms and empires to nation-states, the world of Islam was unable to do the same on its own. The nation-states that constitute the Islamic ummah or commonwealth today came into being as a result or under the impact of colonialism.
We could not impose Islam on ourself, how can we impose it on other world, every Islamic stats has its own Islam, by such a interpretation that’s suits to the ruler of stats, in past and present may be in future too, too much interference of religion in state matter forced Akbir Azam to form Din a Allahi, same reason king Herry of England tried his best to get rid of Romma church, which he could not , in his life time but his daughter did after his death, and I believe that was the first seed secularism, which allow man and man kind to get out of its boundaries to explain the unexplainable, every good thing come with price tag , and west has paid it and still paying it in shape of culture less society , in ours case we are only see the developments through glass window but we don’t dare to buy it because price tag is too high,
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