This not one man job or one man effort to do this kind of grand function, it needs joint effort , with a lot of commitment to make this function grand and I am very pleased to see attendance to New Zealand Milad committee members, which shows that this joint function of EID MILAD UN NABI, with South Auckland Muslim Association would be biggest, said Mr Mushtaq Sheikh, President of New Zealand Milad Committee, He was addressing about 35 strong member of New Zealand Milad Committee, which would be responsible , together with SAMA for this grand national Celebration, He said all Muslim Brother and Sister are invited and we are hoping, the gathering of 1500 peoples to mark the BIRTH DAY OF PROPHET MUHAMMED (peace be upon him)
Undoubtedly Allah and His Angels send blessings on the Prophet. O' you who believe! Send upon Him Blessings and salute Him with all respect. (Al-Qur'an- 33:56)
The one who recites Salawat (Durood) once Allah sends ten blessings upon him, stamp out ten of his sins and improves ten of his grades. (Mishkat
On the Day of Judgement the nearest person to me, from amongst the people, would be the one who would have recited Salawat the most in this (mortal) world. (Tirmidhi)
You decorate your meetings by reciting salawat on me because your salawat would (turn out to) be the Divine Light for yourself on the "Day of Judgement." (Jamih us-Sahih)
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Undoubtedly Allah and His Angels send blessings on the Prophet. O' you who believe! Send upon Him Blessings and salute Him with all respect. (Al-Qur'an- 33:56)
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On the Day of Judgement the nearest person to me, from amongst the people, would be the one who would have recited Salawat the most in this (mortal) world. (Tirmidhi)
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