ii. Powers/Role of Executive Committee. 1. To monitor, keep an eye on the activities of General Committee & responsible for long term projects. 2. To evaluate the performance of the General Committee. 3. To ensure that the activities of the General Committee should be in line with the constitution and for the betterment of the Pakistani Community. 4. To lay down a time frame for election for the PANZ General Committee, no sooner then 24 months from the last election and not later than 25 months from the last elections. 5. Act as a neutral election commission and hold free and fair election in given time frame. 6. Take control of the administrative and legal issues of PANZ i.e Registration, filing of accounts to the Registrar of Companies, ensuring mail box are current and paid. 7. Take over the charge of all other matters e.g banks accounts etc at least 15 days before the election from the existing body and handover to the new elected body not later then 15 days after election. 8. Ensuring that the Oath Taking ceremony will take place with in 10 days of the election date. 9. In the event of General Committee being un-constitutional, the Executive Committee will give a written notice to them signed by all three members and seek a written reply from the General Committee. Only after three such notices with at least 2 weeks interval they would have the right to dissolve the General Committee or if all the members of Executive Committee are agreed that the reply from General Committee is unsatisfactory, they would have the right to dissolve the General Committee and call for new elections within two months time. 10. The Day to Day running of PANZ would not be the responsibility of Executive Committee. 11. The tenor of the Executive Committee is for 3 years and after completion of its tenor the members of Executive committee should get the endorsement in the General Meeting for next term. If they fail to get endorsement an other member will be elected through procedure written above in point 4(a)i-1 - THE GENERAL COMMITTEE
- The General Committee shall consist of five persons, Who are Pakistani and holds NZ Citizenship or PR, with good reputation having no criminal back ground namely;
i. The PRESIDENT ii. The Vice PRESIDENT iii. General Secretary iv. Joint Secretary v. Treasurer - Members of the General Committee shall be elected by the members of the Association in a General Meeting and they shall hold office for a term of two years.
- An officer of the outgoing General Committee may be eligible for re-election upto two consecutive years for the same position after which one year of waiting period will apply before re-contesting for election.
- Three members present in person shall constitute a quorum at General Committee Meetings.
- Any member of the General Committee who remain absent with out leave from the three consecutive meetings shall therefore vacate that office. The General Committee may appoint, after getting approval from Executive Committee, some other member to be a member of General Committee.
- The President shall be the Chairperson of all the General Committee Meetings as well as Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings. In the absence of the President the Vice President shall be the Chairperson of the said meetings and in the absence of Vice President the General Sectary will hold the Chair or a General Meeting may elect one of their members as Chairperson for that meeting.
- The President mat at any time upon not less than 24 hours notice call a General Committee Meeting.
- If there is no quorum present with in half hour after the time fixed for commencement of a meeting of the General Committee the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same say and hour the following week. Those present at such adjourned meeting shall constitute a quorum and shall be competent to transact all business for with the meeting was called.
- Voting at General Committee Meetings shall be by show of hands, each member of the general meeting shall be entitled to record only one vote.
- The General Committee shall have power to delegate to any of its members for any specified purpose such powers it may deem necessary. It shall also have the power to form sub-committees should it deem necessary.
- Election Criteria for General Committee: The elections should be panel based. Each Panel consist of 5 persons as mentioned in point 5(a). Vote is for the panel and not for individuals. Each panel should submit his application & fee to Executive Committee before the date announced by Executive Committee. One member can cast only one vote for the panel.
- Every Pakistani above age of 18 years residing in New Zealand will be eligible for membership.
- Associate members: Membership is open to others as associate members subject to the condition that they respect the objectives of the association. Associate members do not have voting rights. They can however, give suggestions pertaining to the activities and operations procedures of the association.
- Any eligible person for membership may apply by lodging an application along with the acceptance of membership terms & conditions with the appropriate application fee with the General Secretary.
- The General Committee does reserve the right to accept or reject the application.
- Resignation: A member may resign from the organization by giving notice in writing of resignation to the Secretary.
- Suspension/Expulsion: If any particular member has acted in a way that is harmful, damaging to the Society and the General Committee requests to Executive Committee for the suspension / Expulsion of that member. The Executive Committee is empowered to do so.
- General Meetings:
i. Discuss General Business ii. Receive reports from sub committees as to the activities and finances of the Association. iii. Decide on any matter affecting the Society. iv. Set policy for the next move. v. The meeting will be open to all members. - Special General Meetings:
i. The General Committee or Executive Committee may request a Special General Meeting at any time by giving notice to the secretary stating the reason. ii. The Secretary will give notice of a Special General Meeting no later than seven days after receiving the request. - Annual General Meetings:
i. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held on a date fixed by the General Committee as soon as it can be conveniently arranged after the end of the financial year of the Association for the following purposes 1. To receive the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for the proceeding year duly audited. 2. To elect members of the General Committee for the ensuing year. 3. The consideration of any other business with the permission of Chairperson. At least seven days notice of the date of such meeting shall be given by post by the secretary to members and a copy of such notice shall be posted at the registered office. - QUORUM
- At any General Meeting of the Association there shall be not less than one third of the members in person in order to form a quorum.
- If there is no quorum present within half an hour after the time fixed for commencement of the meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day and hour the following week. Those present at such adjourned meetings shall be competent to transact all the business for which the meeting was called.
- Voting shall be by secret ballot papers.
- The Association may be wound up voluntarily if at a General Meeting of its members a resolution was passed requiring the association to be wound up, and the resolution is confirmed at the subsequent General Meeting called by together for that purpose and held not earlier than thirty days after the date on which the resolution so to be confirmed was passed.
- Any property belonging to the Association on a voluntary winging up and all the property of the Association in the event of dissolution by the registrar shall subject to the payment there out of any debts and liabilities of the Association be deposited with Pakistan Embassy until another Association with similar aims is formed. Any remaining funds will be handed over to such an Association.
- This constitution shall not be altered, added or amended except by resolution at a General Meeting of the Association. The fact that any alteration, addition or amendment will me moved and the general purport there of shall be stated in the notice calling the meeting, but it shall not be necessary to sort out the exact from thereof so long as the exact from of the proposed alteration, addition or rescission shall be posted to the secretary at least fourteen days before the meeting.
- No Alternation or cancellation will be made to this constitution that is in conflict with the aims and objectives of the Association.
- The Common seal should be in the custody of the General Secretary and shall not be used except with the authority of the General Committee. When the seal is used it will be signed by the President and one of General Committee Members. In the absence/leave of President, the General Secretary has the right to sign along with one member of general committee.
- All funds received by the Association will be paid into its bank account.
- All Cheques and withdrawal slips drawn on the Association account will be signed by Treasurer and one of President or General Secretary.
- All Complaints shall be made in writing to the General Secretary of the Association.
- EVERY member shall be bound by and observe the constitution and by laws of the Association.
- IF any dispute or doubt shall arise as to the construction or interpretation of this constitution or any apart thereof such dispute or doubt shall be determined by the decision of Executive Committee members. The Executive committee shall also have the power to determine any matter which may arise which is not covered by this constitution.
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