Friday, July 29, 2005

we should be impartial in our judgement

Problem is not this we are judging others infact we are not neutral and impartial in our judgement, we always make excuses for our misdeeds we think  we have no other option left so our this kind of conformist behaviour force us to be impartial in our judgement, we always support or hate others on the basis of our interests we are feard of truth and facing the reality, so our problem is not in judging but we can not be neutral. If professor says one thing people think its agaist Atta this is wrong,  and this is our problem why we don't take it as a symbolic discussion to get possitive result.  I am not against anybody but I am against myself too on the basis of principles, I am agaist any such programe in which few people impose their Ideology on  majority this is basic principle if I will go agaist this everybody have right to criticise me. three things should be observed on 14 August and every Pakistani have the right to demand these three things from PANZ
No projection of personalities
No distortion of facts and history
No Moulivism

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