I always think that Dhaka Fall was my sadist day of my life. Whenever Dhaka name come ' half black page of news paper with head line "Dhaka has fallen" flashes in my mind
I was young boy that time. Unknown to distraction of war I use to think it is good thing we should go on war every 6year to test our strength I still remember I was volunteer along side with my brothers, father and other family members. On Mureed air base. I have filled few sand bags, because it was call of in charge of Moreed air base, he wanted volunteers from civilian sector to fill the sand bags to re enforced some bunkers.
I worked hard my dad work hard my whole family worked hard. Results were against our wishes and unacceptable ' time has few quality it doesn’t stop and heels, wound has been heeled but scar is still there, what ever you call it, it was clear defeat
Until 8/10 happened
News first broken on quran khowni of Chacha Bannars, somebody told that Pakistan has hit by earthquake casualties are 28, No worry was my first thought, Pakistan is big country and these things small for big country like Pakistan, by time I went to bed death tool was under 100, mainly from Islamabad Still NO WORRY. Next day death tool was more then 3000. Yes it was worry time, glue to TV seeing horrified scene, first time I cried, I never cried for Tsunami victims, I did not cried for Ketharina victims they were human too and I consider myself preacher of humanity but I didn't feel for them, many time asked myself " am I a hypocrite? " maybe. "Why" as charity starts from home ...feeling starts with relations. Probably that’s why I cried for Pakistan because here I have tow relations, human and Pakistani one
In first meeting I saw big posters sitting on table showing the destruction earthquake, that morning I was thinking that we are wasting our time here we should be on move .my thinking was wrong. Senior members of community were laying out the plan for funds rising, that day Nadeem Asharf and Ch Mukhtar preposed business community meeting, next day we had bulk donations of more then 20000 thanks to Mr Asharf and Mr Mukhtar, it would be sin if we don’t mention Jamshaid ul Hussan who arranged AFTTAR dinner for all business people's gathering .GM offered his yards as collection point .Zeb khan his tuck for transportation. Shahid Azad coordinated volunteers
All parts of Pakistanis machinery worked perfectly and according to plan it took us 12 days to achieve the target of 100000 set by President of PANZ
One aim this article is that all other communities who worked with us, leaving behind political and ethnic differences, oblige us it is our obligation to do the same to them if time like this inflict upon them
If pain is big enough then we are one
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