Monday, May 30, 2005

Message for Mr. Bhatti

Mr. Bhatti, you are our senier person. We repect you. We read your messages about 14th August progrogramme.
First of all we want to put a mirror in front of you and see yourself in that mirror when you did programme of 14th August against Qazi Sahab who was president of PANZ that time. where was PANZ's right that time. In room they were declearing and planing about 14 August programme and in other room you announce and did a seperate programme.
Secondly, we want to made it clear that we have no competition with PANZ, they had not announce the programme properly upto that time, so we cannot let community without programme thats why we announce  independence day programme.
But it does not mean we cannot work with them. We wellcome PANZ any time, without any hesitation they can come and talk about it.  Our doors are always open.
We request also other peoples aswell, please dont pass comments like dirty polititions with out any confirmation.
Pakistan Welfare and Cultural Society


atta4636 MSN said...

Its nice to listen that pwcs is organizing the 14 august programme ,i think it would be great if panz and pwcs work together for this event at least otherwise they will loose their credibility among masses because people are getting fedup of dirty politics .i would request both of them to make this event a memorable day for the community and join hands in the best interest of the whole community .wish u good luck  

bhattinz MSN said...

From:Mr Bhatti former G.Secy: and VP PANZ To:     Respected Atta brother dated: 1/6/05 First of all brother Atta I hope yr health is ok and it is very nice to hear from yu. With due respect ,Atta brother I am going to remind yu that So called PWCS is same group ,if yu remember, yourgoodself write a poem for this group, BADNAM  HOWA EK BASHARA SHARRA SHARRA........   This So called PWCS now trying to hijack PANZ,which is elected body and community give the authority to run those national programme, from last sixteen years all programme were arranged by PANZ,So called  PWCS have no right to hold such national programme becoz they are not elected by the Pakistan Community. Sir Atta So called PWCS have no credibility, they have already lost their credibility when they hold programme SHAARA SHAARA... using Pakistani platform and invite whole Indian community ,not only this the Stage was handed over to ROPA ,famous for discremeting the Pakistan and Paklistani community while she was working in  media. And also  SO CALLED PWCS put down  the Pakistani community. Also eat all money  (sale of the tickets and money donated by innocent Pakistani community). Sir Atta as yu know ,one of their member eat money which was collected on yr behalf from the innocent community, and that member is not any more in their cabinet.   1)Sir Atta please tell  the community that who is plying  dirty politics, of course,SO CALLED PWCS.   2)Why SO CALLED PWCS .Announce the 14 AUG: programme?   3)SO CALLED PWCS Dividing the community by doing this.   4) Sir Atta just have a look under noted statement given by SO CALLED PWCS. It shows that they have two faces.   Almighty God bless all and I pray to the Almighty God to save Pakistani Community from division.   Bhatti From: بـــلاجی  (Original Message) Sent: 21/05/2002 7:36 PM     A group is formed by prominent Pakistani people by the name of Pakistan Welfare cultural Society of New Zealand. As by the name of it, this group is willing to take responsibility to promote Pakistani cultural in NZ .According to Malik Mazhar one of the executive of this group these people are fed up by the preforms of Pakistan association which did not do any thing in their tenure of office. AS Malik MaAzhar said although this group has not any political attention but this group would be happy to work under the banner of PANZ with its own identity. They have already opened up their membership For further details ph Mail Mazhar:2751181 .If any question ask in Sohni Dharti by clicking on reply    

bhattinz MSN said...

om:Mr Bhatti former G.Secy: and VP PANZ To:     Respected Atta brother dated: 1/6/05 First of all brother Atta I hope yr health is ok and it is very nice to hear from yu. With due respect ,Atta brother I am going to remind yu that So called PWCS is same group ,if yu remember, yourgoodself write a poem for this group, BADNAM  HOWA EK BASHARA SHARRA SHARRA........   This So called PWCS now trying to hijack PANZ,which is elected body and community give the authority to run those national programme, from last sixteen years all programme were arranged by PANZ,So called  PWCS have no right to hold such national programme becoz they are not elected by the Pakistan Community. Sir Atta So called PWCS have no credibility, they have already lost their credibility when they hold programme SHAARA SHAARA... using Pakistani platform and invite whole Indian community ,not only this the Stage was handed over to ROPA ,famous for discremeting the Pakistan and Paklistani community while she was working in  media. And also  SO CALLED PWCS put down  the Pakistani community. Also eat all money  (sale of the tickets and money donated by innocent Pakistani community). Sir Atta as yu know ,one of their member eat money which was collected on yr behalf from the innocent community, and that member is not any more in their cabinet.  1)Sir Atta please tell  the community that who is plying  dirty politics, of course,SO CALLED PWCS.   2)Why SO CALLED PWCS .Announce the 14 AUG: programme?   3)SO CALLED PWCS Dividing the community by doing this.    4) Sir Atta please have look under noted statement given by SO CALLED PWCS on 21/05/02, It shows they have two faces. Almighty God bless all and I pray Almighty God to Save Pakistani Community from Division. Bhatti From: بـــلاجی  (Original Message) Sent: 21/05/2002 7:36 PM     A group is formed by prominent Pakistani people by the name of Pakistan Welfare cultural Society of New Zealand. As by the name of it, this group is willing to take responsibility to promote Pakistani cultural in NZ .According to Malik Mazhar one of the executive of this group these people are fed up by the preforms of Pakistan association which did not do any thing in their tenure of office. AS Malik MaAzhar said although this group has not any political attention but this group would be happy to work under the banner of PANZ with its own identity. They have already opened up their membership For further details ph Mail Mazhar:2751181 .If any question ask in Sohni Dharti by clicking on reply  

atta4636 MSN said...