Monday, July 25, 2005

I have reason to say

I don't know him I never met him but still I studied one of his article in which he gave a very true picture of Islamic junctions so at that day I thought he should have been a good man, every person is not a bad person in our community there are some very good and saint character people are living with us we shoud respect them give them proper place  at the stage of community.  There are three basic priciples to judge a man and this criteria I got from my Prophet and 4 caliphs
1-  How greedy he is about money illegal sex and all othrs evils, greedy person is that who don't want to give the rights of others or ready to take the other's rights,  there are so many notibles people who don't fullfil this criteria so I can not support them even if the rest of the world do support them and even if  I will be killed for this.
2-   Hypocrarte (Munafiq) person who is different from outside who has diguised a good man but from inside he is a Shatan, Quran says fight him or avoid him, I lost one of my real friend in Newzealand when a notible demanded 10,000 dollers for job offer  he died here. Can I support that man ?
3-  who don't do justice neither with himself nor with others, one of notible's father I met in Pakistan he was living in below poory life, his son was very rich person of Newzealand how can I support him who don't support his father.
(The writer of that article I have mentioned obove was Naveed Hamid )

1 comment:

billa_one MSN said...

Every single thing come with its good and bad , or black and white , most of our life time, we live in grey area by keeping the balance of good and bad , on other hand if some thing is bad for us dons’t mean it bad for other too, actually we are what we live, all we need a good balance , when we say we should put all the evil men on shelves, then , this the time when we should take a walk around ourself , No matter how evil we are, we can not be a Shaiton , or matter how saint we gets we can not be God . Sussces is this that we should stay human, which itself is a compound of good and evil , when decisive time comes we all do good according to our know how.