Media Release
Pakistan Association of New Zealand General body, Executive committee and Business Wing have been working on a very important project which is to built a Jinnah Centre for all purpose of the Pakistan Community in Auckland. As for today we are announcing that the project has finalized its first step to building the Jinnah Centre which is securing the Land and Location where the centre is going to be built. The location for this center is situated near Auckland airport area. Dr Ashraf Choudhry MP & Mr. Manuwar Bhatti the Ambassador himself visited the site and declared that the location is perfect for the Jinnah Centre. Now that the first step has been finalized, Mr. President and the committee will be calling their first meeting to discuss further issues i.e. The Structure of the management of the Jinnah Centre and also the architect of the centre. These are one of the many steps they will be working on to make a dream of every community members become Reality.
Naveed Hamid
Pakistan Association of New Zealand
I would like to congratulate PANZ team 2006 General body, Executive Body, Business wing on this great practical achivement to make our dream true. imtiaz Khan
Jinnah hall First it was Jinnah Hall now it is a Jinnah Centre , we don’t mind you call it Jinnah Auditorium or Jinnah theatre , but please keep in your mind, the purposes of Jinnah hall would be deferent then Masjid , in respect of Masjid we may not be able to do what we normally do , we means loud music and dance because it would be too close to Masjid , do Masjid committee allow us loud music and disco dance , while next door some Molana would be giving speech or DARAS , According to Sohni Dharti information PANZ is getting this land on 50 years lease basis which seems ridiculous , what will happen after 50 year , being community leader think about permanent solution rather then making sand castle , please be practical and get feasible reports from Masjid committee , tell them open mind , if we wouldn't be able give this hall for hire to people , then how we going to run it we all can see conflict of interest Mr. President if you have already sorted out these issue , then go ahead we think there is no harm making Jinnah Centre
Dear Billa.G Thank you for your feedback, As far as I am aware the lease is for 99 years not 50 years. I personaly think that your concerns about the neibourhood and noise to the mosque is an issue but I do not think that this will be a problem in a community hall as you can see other community centres and halls operating in all over auckland for many many years now and they had no such problem. I think if ponsonby mosque can be run in the heart of the city and all the bars and pubs arround the corner than a hall will have no problems in an isolated mangere aerea. atleast panz is taking a practical step it should be encouraged. thank you again. this will be very good if we carry on this discussion so all misunderstandings can be cleared. Imtiaz Khan
This is discussions that we are standing on practical stage , but one wrong move on this stage all the hard work we have done so for , more then that if there is conflict of interest then we might have to leave this place empty handed , we must be very careful to making legal contract Here are few advantages and disadvantages, Sohni Dharti would like to share with community and our leadership, for example , we can see the capital gain of White Swan bld , which is more the 60% when it was bought, in case of lease we will repent on this lease option Benefits of commercial leasing For businesses, leasing property may have significant financial benefits: Leasing is less Capital-intensive than purchasing, so if a business has constraints on its capital, it can grow more rapidly by leasing property than it could by purchasing the property outright. Capital assets may fluctuate in value. Leasing shifts risks to the lessor, but if the property market has shown steady growth over time, a business that depends on leased property is sacrificing capital gains. Leasing may provide more flexibility to a business which expects to grow or move in the relatively short term, because a lessee is not usually obliged to renew a lease at the end of its term. Depreciation of capital assets has different tax and financial reporting treatment from ordinary business expenses. Lease payments are considered expenses, which can be set off against revenue when calculating taxable profit at the end of the relevant tax accounting period. Disadvantages There are some significant drawbacks: If circumstances dictate that a business must change its operations significantly, it may be expensive or otherwise difficult to terminate a lease before the end of the term. In some cases, a business may be able to sublet property no longer required, but this may not recoup the costs of the original lease, and, in any event, usually requires the consent of the original lessor. Tactical legal considerations usually make it expedient for lessees to default on their leases. The loss of book value is small and any litigation can usually be settled on advantageous terms. This is an improvement on the position for those companies owning their own property. Although it can be easier for a business to sell property if it has the time, forced sales frequently realise lower prices and can seriously affect book value. If the business is successful, lessors may demand higher rental payments when leases come up for renewal. If the value of the business is tied to the use of that particular property, the lessor has a significant advantage over the lessee in negotiations.
according to my information Mahatama R andhi centre is also on lease and billa g It is very usual in practice of law that the lessor would be given the first preference while releasing of the land or building .Lets start the project with a mission that we would transfer out patriotic feelings to our young ones so that it would be released by them after 98 years . PAL KI KHABAR NAHIN SAAMAAN SO BARAS KA HAI
Jinnah Centre PANZ is doing very well, they have seen and selected the land . But please don’t keep the community in dark , please let the community know who is signing the lease and how much rent we have to pay , we should learn from past experiences, of Al Hijaz, at the end if PANZ become defaulter then it would be end of PANZ .if community's creditably is on stake it would be not a very good news for new G body of PANZ. said Mr. Bhatti . In telephone conversation Mr. Bhatti said it is an huge and lengthy project, leaders of PANZ should show the agreement between the lessee and lessor to let the community know where we stand in Jinnah Centre matter
Yah its realy a very good suggestion especialy ifanything hasbeen done .it should be presented before the community
PANZ PROGRESS ON JINNAH CENTRE. 1) PANZ has selected the land for the Jinnah Centre. 2) The land is approximately one acer and located near the airport. 3) The land will be on lease for 99 years and the best part is that it will be free of cost.Which mean we just need the fund for the building and running of the Jinnah Centre. 4) Panz is in Progress to set up a Jinnah Center Trust, at the mean time working with Laywers to drafting the constitutions and setting up of the Trust, and the Structure will be with Five Trustees i.e 4 Trustees will be Permanent and 1 will be Panz President at the time. As soon all the legal work will be finilized we will Inshallah start the construction work on Jinnah Center.
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Yesterday , on opening of airport Masjid , when Execative of PANZ Zeb Khan asked , where is the land which you going to give to us for Jinnah centre . Ghulam Murtaza (GM) who is chief of PANZ businesses wing has worked relentlessly as coordinator to get this land for Jinnah Centre , Mr GM said Jinnah centre project is nothing more then a verbal GUP SHUP, there is no marking of land such as Jinnah Centre. community is still unaware of trustees of Jinnha Center and what is the criteria of trustees , we do understand that PANZ President would be one of trustees Reported by J Iqbal of Sohni Dharti
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I Do Apologize JAVEED IQBAL AHMAD KHAN Exact version of Zeb and GM conversation about hall Zeb : my friend GM, what part of land you guy are giving us For Hall? GM : it here or it is there but we still need to talk to them what part they going to give us Zeb : this is best part it right beside main entrance of land if they give us this part that would be the best because this on main road side? GM: see where they are going to give us this land here or there , we have to sit with them to decide what part of land they gonna give us , I received a annoyed phone call from Zeb Khan , in which Mr. khan said that Mr. GM is very angry about the statement on Sohni Dharti for Jinnah centre . I reported to BillaG on phone , I admit GM did not say Gup Shup word , that was my thoughts but BillaG write it as GM quotations by miss understanding , if Gup SHUP word hurt any one in any senses I apologize for it
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