Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Surah Fatiha

Surah Fatiha


All praise is due to Allah, the Cherisher of the worlds,

Most Beneficent, Most Merciful, Master of the day of judgement.
Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we seek help.
Guide us along the right path, the path of those on whom Thou has bestowed Thy grace, Not the path of those who became the object of Thine wrath
nor (of those) who went astray.......



Benefit: Surah Al Hamdo Sharief should be recited with the intention of


A person who is not Paak (In need of Ghusl) may also read this with the

intention of Duaa.


: Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) has said in a hadith that Surah Fatiha is
the cure for every illness (Daarimi). The reward of this surah is equivalent
to the reward of two thirds of the Quraan. The Mashaaikh (Scholars) have
written that if one recites Surah Fatiha with Imaan and
conviction, it will be a cure for all ailments; whether the ailments are
of a religious nature or worldly nature, external or internal. It is
narrated that in the verse "Iyya kana budu wa iyya kanastaeen"
(Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we seek help) are contained all
religious and worldly objectives.

Hence it is in this aayat that is the underlying secret of cure and the

fulfillment of ones objectives.

Some interesting statistics

Number of Rakaats of Salaat in a day 48
Number of times you recite Surah Fatiha 48
Number of praises (ruku and sajda) 432
Number of Durood's 34
Number of Allah hu Akbar's (Minimum) 288 (Varies with the Mazhabs

How fortunate is that person who performs his 5 times daily Salaat.

We make duaa that Allah grants us all this opportunity to gain the maximum
reward for the Hereafter.

Hadith - Insaan

(Man and Women) will get tired of asking for forgiveness
(For sins committed), but Allah will never get tired of forgiving His
One of the major sins is that person who has lost hope in the Mercy
of Allah. Just by reciting Surah Fatiha once with conviction and then
begging for forgiveness for our sins, Allah Most Merciful will forgive us.

We make duaa that Allah grant us all that opportunity that at least once a

day, we recite Surah Fatiha with conviction and beg of Allah's forgiveness
and Mercy which is never ending.

Please pass on to family and friends as this is so simple and won't even

take 5 minutes of our time, which in actual fact belongs to Allah

(Health, Wealth and Time).

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