Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Surah Alqadar


Translation of "Surah Alqadar"


Phrase 1

We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:

Phrase 2

And what will explain to thee what the Night of Power is?

Phrase 3

The Night of Power is better than a thousand Months.

Phrase4 Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission on every errand:

Phrase 5

Peace! ……This until the rise of Morn!




One of the most meritorious aspects of the month of Ramadan is that it Contains Laylatulqadr, the most blessed night of the year. It is the night which Allah Almighty chose to reveal the Holy Qur'an. The Holy Qur'an has mentioned that this night is better than one thousand months. It means that the worship performed in this night brings more reward than the worship performed in one thousand months. The authentic Traditions of the Holy Prophet (piece be upon him) mention that, in this night, Allah Almighty directs His special mercy towards the people of the earth, accepts the supplications made by His slaves and forgives a large number of people who repent and pray.

Laylatulqadr falls on one of the last five odd nights of Ramadan i.e. 21st, 23rd 25th, 27th and 29th. According to authentic sources. Laylatulqadr falls in any one of these nights alternately. The purpose of this alternation is that one should spend all the five nights in worship and prayers, so that he may find Laylatulqadr with certainty.

No special form of worship is prescribed for Laylatulqadr The night should be spent by offering as much prayers as one can offer, in recitation of the Holy Qur'an, in Dhikr and Tasbeeh, in supplications and in making Sadaqah (charity).

It is not advisable in this night to hold ceremonies or meetings or delivering long lectures or illuminating the mosques. This is a night meant for developing a special connection with one's Creator, for offering acts of worship in solitude and seclusion, for having constant and exclusive contact with his Lord who is the Lord of the universe, for minimizing the diversity of thoughts and actions and for devoting oneself to Allah Almighty with his heart and soul.

This purpose can seldom be achieved in congregations and assemblies. That is why the Holy Prophet (piece be upon him) never tended to celebrate this night by lectures, meetings, illumination or even by offering prayers in jama'ah. Instead, he used to perform acts of worship individually, and in solitude.




: To ALL my MUSLIM Brothers and Sisters I humbly request a sincere DUAH for me and my Family for Forgiveness, Mercy, Ilm, Rizq and Hidaaya, Min Fadlik. May ALLAH ALMIGHTY accept Insha-ALLAH.

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