Thursday, September 30, 2010


DUBAI: According to a UNICEF report released in August 2010, more than three million children are at high risk of deadly water-borne diseases in Pakistan, making them the most vulnerable victims of the worst natural disaster in the country’s history. If only the murky water unfit for drinking in these areas could be purified to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards, or the swarms of mosquitoes infesting unclean camps and slum areas could be wiped out, and the innumerable flies carrying diseases such as cholera could be eliminated, thousands of lives could be saved. Vestergaard Frandsen is a humanitarian enterprise that aims to do just that: prevent these diseases by providing simple solutions to grave issues.
Vestergaard Frandsen is a Danish company with headquarters in Switzerland, that produces textile-based devices which help prevent diseases. Vestergaard supplies its products to ministries of health and non-profit organisations, which in turn distribute these commodities to calamity-hit areas in Pakistan, sub-Saharan African countries, as well as many other developing nations around the world. One of its products, LifeStraw, a simple water-filter has been supplied in the flood-affected areas of Pakistan to good effect.
Following is an exclusive interview with Patrick Sieyes, regional director at Vestergaard Frandsen in Dubai, UAE.
Q: How did Vestergaard Frandsen come about? What was the motivation behind it?
A: Vestergaard Frandsen is a family-owned company, established in 1957 in Denmark. It originally produced workmen’s clothing for the hotel and catering industry but as it was passed down to the younger generation, the current CEO, Mikkel Vestergaard Frandsen decided to move toward the aid and development sector. As he travelled through sub-Saharan African countries and various developing nations, he recognised the need for an entrepreneurial outlook to social work. Mikkel Frandsen discussed the shift with his father and the company began working as a humanitarian enterprise, and hasn’t looked back since.
We now supply innovative and potentially life-saving devices like the LifeStraw, PermaNet, ZeroFly and ZeroVector to a number of countries across the globe. We also actively work towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) identified by the United Nations (UN).
Q: What exactly is LifeStraw and how does it work? How long has it been around?
A: LifeStraw (Family) is a point-of-use water treatment system intended for routine use in low income settings. It can filter up to 18,000 litres of water, enough to supply a family of five with microbiologically clean water for three years.
It is based on the latest technology in this field, the capillary membrane. This membrane is pre-programmed to physically block parasites, bacteria and viruses and it complies with the US EPA standards; i.e. 99.9% of all three types of pathogens (infectious germs and agents) are blocked.
The science behind it is similar to that of an industrial sieve, but since viruses are minute – between 0.001 and 0.004 microns, to block them, the pore-size it requires is infinitesimal. This is a proven science and one of the most cost-effective ways of providing safe drinking water, especially in the case of an acute emergency, since it is portable and durable, does not require electricity or a running water supply and is fairly easy to operate.

LifeStraw Family, the newest version of LifeStraw has been around for about two and a half years.
Q: By your estimate, how many people in the flood-affected areas of Pakistan have been supplied LifeStraw? How can people get involved and get LifeStraw in the hands of those who need them?
A: 300,000 people already have access to Lifestraw (Family). That means 125 billion litres of microbiologically clean water over the next three years. In terms of units, we have already deployed 100,000 units and another 150,000 are in the pipeline - soon to be supplied to these areas.
On how any individual can make a difference, we are currently collaborating with a group of young and passionate people with excellent project-management skills called the Karachi Relief Trust (KRT), who will distribute 50,000 LifeStraws. We will soon have a button on our website that will directly take you to the KRT website where anyone can sponsor a LifeStraw Family for Rs. 2500.
Q: How much more does the community need to do in order to create a significant drop in the number of cases of water-borne diseases?
A: We need to recognise that water-borne diseases in Pakistan have been rife for many years, and recent statistics state that there are already in excess of one million cases of water-borne diseases in the country.  Only 10 per cent have access to clean drinking water and the masses, i.e., 90 per cent don’t. This problem has never been addressed and now is the time, a critical opportunity in fact, to raise this issue and to solve it.
When I went down to the camps in Thatta and Makli, I interviewed a lot of people. People were coming to the medical camps with a lot of ailments, and the doctor there very clearly said, “These people have never had access to medical treatment. Now they have medical camps where they are offered a free medical service, so of course they will seek help for all sorts of illnesses that probably existed long before the floods.” So one thing is for sure – the diseases were already there. But the tremendous amount of water in these areas because of the flood – has dramatically increased their occurrence. So how much more do we need to do to create a significant difference? A whole lot more, because a deep-rooted problem panning generations, needs to be solved.
Q: Tell us something about some of Vestergaard’s other products.
A: PermaNet is a mosquito net that has insecticide impregnated into the yarn, and has been recommended by WHO for the prevention and control of malaria. It is washable and lasts up to three years, and can protect a family of five from mosquitoes. Our other product, ZeroVector, is like a wall-paper – a thin sheet of woven shade cloth impregnated with insecticide which is installed on the walls of a hut or house to offer protection from diseases such as malaria and dengue. We also produce ZeroFly, which is another type of insecticide-incorporated plastic sheeting. CarePack, another one of our products is a box which comprises of evidence-based interventions designed to improve the health of HIV-infected individuals and their families.
Q: How many countries have been supplied these products?
A: We have supplied our products to over a hundred countries and territories including African countries, Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. We have fourteen offices in ten countries including Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, UAE, India and Europe and North America, so we are able to supply super fast when there is an emergency in any region.
Q: Has there been a decrease in the spread of diseases that Vestergaard aims to prevent? If so, by how much?
A: We have played a pivotal role in the elimination of guinea worm (a parasite infection that is brought about by drinking stagnant water). We partnered with Jimmy Carter’s Carter Center in the Guinea Worm Eradication Programme (GWEP) and supplied 23 million LifeStraws in all parts of Africa.
We are the world’s largest suppliers of long-lasting mosquito nets. When I started working at Vestergaard seven years ago, we produced one million mosquito nets per year. We now produce 120 million. The scaling has been tremendous, and 200 million PermaNets have been supplied to African countries where malaria was an endemic. At the end of 2010, we are to achieve access to 60 per cent of our target population. There has been a documented decrease in the amount of malaria cases over the past six years. [ supports this claim by stating that 39 studies in Africa from 1986 – 2007 prove that malaria cases have seen drops between 22 – 44 per cent.]
According to a 2006 review by Cochrane Collaboration, water filters were found to be the most effective household interventions in preventing diarrhoea, with an average 63 per cent reduction. And a field study by Clasen T. et al in rural Ethiopia over eight months involving 1516 individuals, showed a 25 per cent reduction in diarrhoea cases after the usage of LifeStraw.
Q: Social entrepreneurship can be exciting and rewarding at the same time. To what extent is it financially viable?
A: I’d say very financially viable for us as a company. Our business model is unique: that of a humanitarian enterprise, which means that yes, we are doing business, but we’re in the business of doing good and saving lives. We realise the need to make a profit, but our profit is very much for a purpose. Our model needs to be sustainable one, both for business as well for the donors we supply to, and gladly, we have been able to achieve that.
Q: It is true that prevention is better than cure, but how cost-effective is it to distribute products such as LifeStraw, CarePack, PermaNet for health ministries or NGOs? For instance, a LifeStraw (Family) costs around $25...
A: I feel it’s very important to discuss this point. Cost-effectiveness can be measured in many different ways. It can be measured in terms of dollars; for instance, the cost of deploying and distributing life-saving products to hard to reach rural areas. On the other hand, it can also be measured in terms of health – of life. A tool that helps to prevent disease is actually a much cheaper solution than treating a disease after it is diagnosed.

Since we align ourselves to the funding available, it is essential to look at things from the point of view of donors as well. After the financial crisis, there is lesser money available to donate and donors are very particular about the type of aid they give, more demanding and we must ensure that our product is efficient as well as cost-effective.
Q: In order to supply to developing nations where most do not have access to electricity and the people face numerous other problems, your products must be must be simple, easy-to-use and should be sustainable – how is this achieved?
A: We work entirely for solving the problems of the masses in developing countries, and we devise volume solutions which would be practical in an emergency.
Our company has four core values that help us achieve our high standards: ‘imagineering’ (a combination of engineering and imagination), precision, passionate people and speed of response. The quicker we act at the time of an emergency, the better it is for us.
We are a company who makes no claims of its own, because we base everything on science, and all our products are thoroughly tested by reputable organizations and universities such as the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, John Hopkins University, CDC Atlanta(Center for Disease Control), University of Arizona and Emory University Atlanta. We would never allow a product to be released to the market unless it lives up to our own standards.
Q: How did you get involved with Vestergaard Frandsen? Tell us about yourself.
A: I yearn passionately to make a difference to regions where just malaria and water-borne diseases, if not addressed, can easily become the most prolific killers. I joined the company seven years ago and what attracted me was that my role would be fundamental to establishing a foothold for Vestergaard in the Middle East.
I belong to a truly multi-cultural background, and hold three passports, English, Irish and Brazilian and speak six languages. I have lived in 10 countries, so I do not follow a flag; rather I consider myself a global citizen.
Q: How did you find the reaction of the Pakistani public to the flood relief?
A: I have been travelling to Pakistan for the past six years and I have always found the people of Pakistan passionate, energetic and willing to help. I knew from the earthquake of 2005 that Pakistanis are quick to get on their feet when disaster strikes and this time was no different. The students volunteered, the people got together – the spirit of philanthropy in the country is simply commendable. And the fact that it was Ramazan really helped as people donated their zakat to the flood-relief. We, at Vestergaard Frandsen, were receiving up to 250 emails per day from people inquiring how LifeStraw could be supplied to the affected areas.
On the downside though, aid is commercialised in Pakistan as people sell aid commodities at double the prices. Corruption, of course is another evil of society which needs to addressed.
When I went to Karachi a few weeks back, I visited Machar Colony. The condition there is the worst I have ever seen – absolutely deplorable. There are vendors selling food, but you can’t see the food because of the flies that swarm it! I am eager to bring about a positive change in such communities, where a simple solution like ZeroFly can wipe out flies and

Kind Regards,
Truly & Sincerely

Liaqat Ali Waraich,

Love & Care.Live & Let  Live
Long live & Prosper
with good Health

Former Pakistan's High Commissioner

                    Former Pakistan's High Commissioner to NZ in UN with Pak Minister

GST rise and Ethnic communities

Please find attached media statement from Dr Ashraf Choudhary MP on GST rise and Ethnic communities in New Zealand. If you have any comments or suggestion please let us know.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Dear Brothers and sisters,AOA.
We extend our best compliments to all those who honoured us by attending the ONE DISH PARTY yesterday at the Mt Roskill war Memorial hall
May Road Mt Roskill. We are proud to see such a big number attending. It is a great honour for the Association and we thank you all for your presence.
We had the honour of having Mr Sahil Shah as our chief Guest who was presented with a plaque in appreciation of his services to the Pakistan Flood relief
funds. Radio Apna has made history by collecting 350K in 27 hours. We also thank him and his team for a great effort. We salute them.
All those lovely children who performed were also awarded but a few beautiful faces were missing. All of us were deeply hurt and grieved because of their absence which was
unnecessary and unwarranted. The Association has highest regards for GM Choudhry he is a great asset of our community and we all love him as a person also but his three
beautiful,innocent,loving and bright children who were the major participants were not there to be honoured. These children are the greatest asset of Pakistan and we love them.
we missed them badly.
May Allah bless you all and may he bless us with the gift of Unity,faith and discipline.
Pakistan Zindabad

Labour will remove GST from fresh fruit and veges

27 September 2010       Media Statement       


Phil Goff today launched a campaign against National’s GST increase to 15 per cent, announcing that Labour will remove GST from fresh fruit and vegetables.
Speaking at an event in Porirua Phil Goff said many families will be worse off after Prime Minister John Key broke his promise that he would not increase GST.
“Most families’ tax cuts will be gobbled up straight away by increased GST, prices rises, and higher charges for services like ACC. The NZ Institute of Economic Research estimates around half of all households will end this year worse off than they were a year earlier as prices rise and wages stall.
“But the top few per cent of New Zealanders will benefit hugely from National’s unfair tax switch. That’s not right and Labour will fix that.
“Labour’s scheme to zero rate fresh fruit and vegetables is the first of the policies we will announce over coming months to help families get ahead and to build a stronger economy.
“Removing GST from fresh fruit and vegetables will help people on low and middle incomes make up some of the ground they are losing under National.
“A typical family of two adults, an adolescent and a five-year-old spends at least $42 a week on fruit and vegetables. They will save about $6 a week, or $300-$400 a year.
“Kiwis need to be able to afford to make choices around the type of food they put in their supermarket shopping trolleys. Fresh fruit and vegetables can’t become luxury items because of the increasing cost of living.
“The Economist magazine just last week had a front page graph showing New Zealand has the third highest rate of obesity in the world. We have to do something about it. It costs us $500 million a year, and the cost is rising when the health budget is already under pressure.
“Labour has studied new research by University of Auckland and Otago University, which shows people will buy more healthy food if there is a price incentive. A price incentive about the size of GST is more effective than anything else researchers tested to get people to buy and eat healthy foods
Phil Goff said Labour estimated loss of tax revenue at around $250m. “But given the cost to the health system of obesity-related diseases, the fiscal cost will be repaid many times over in savings to the health system. The tobacco excise increase raises about the same amount.”  
Phil Goff said the scheme’s simplicity makes it attractive. “To qualify the goods have to be fruit or vegetables – and they have to be fresh – it’s that’s simple. John Key says it’s complicated, but that’s an excuse. He doesn’t want to help hard-working families get ahead.
“Evidence from Australia is that it is a relatively straightforward process for retailers, with a small cost initially to implement.   Many businesses already deal with zero-rated inputs such as rent, financial services, second hand goods and overseas travel,“ Phil Goff said.

Alamgir Afridi
Ethnic Coordinator / Issues Assistant 
Dr. Ashraf Choudhary QSO
Member of Parliament                        
Ph:              (09) 265 0983
Mobile:        027 511 0346
Fax:             (09) 265 0984


Prophet Muhammad (SAS) was a man of peace: British actressSaturday 

London,  Myriam Francois-Cerrah found fame as a child actress in the 90's hit film Sense and Sensibility.  Now she's known for being one of a growing number of educated middle class female converts to Islam in Britain.
Francois-Cerrah says the September 11 terror attacks led to an intellectual curiosity about Islam and ultimately to conversion to the religion.  She believes the Prophet Muhammad was a man of peace.
She says, “There were several things that were pivotal in leading to this change in me.  One was looking into the Prophet Muhammad.  I think he is one of the great misunderstood figures of history.”
Francois-Cerrah goes on.  “One of his favorite quotes was, ‘Forgive him who wrongs you.  Join him who cuts you off. Do good to him who does evil to you and speak the truth even if it be against yourself.’”
Francois-Cerrah says the radical fringe behind terror attacks doesn't represent the masses.
"Muslims as a rule, the mainstream, don't look at these actions and think oh those Muslims over there are doing that.  They think who are these crazy loons!"
Kristianne Backer was an MTV host in Germany when she converted to Islam.  She moved to the UK when her conversion got a lot of negative press.
Backer says she has no regrets.
"I met a lot of famous, interesting people in life, but ultimately it was an empty life, so now I am from ‘Empty-V’, from entertainment to ‘inner-tainment.’ I had a crisis after a few years jetting around like a circus horse, on stage, home alone, empty and I didn't know why I was doing it and Islam was somehow introduced to me."
I asked editor of Emel magazine, Sarah Joseph, herself a convert, what is drawing women to the religion.
“People go to, travel to, Muslim countries, and see great beauty and hospitality and that draws them to it—the art and the architecture.”
Joseph explains that any negative press about Islam has not only served to repel some people, but it has drawn others.
The head of Islamic studies at London's School of Theology says many of the converts are looking for greater structure or discipline in their lives.  But he also said that while there has been a small but steady increase in the number of women converting to Islam here, there are more Muslims dropping their religion than there are people converting to it.
Diana Nammi works to improve the rights of Muslim women.  She runs the Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation.
“It’s a big question why women are converting to Islam considering that Islam and its sharia law is not based on equality between men and women.”
Nammi says while some like Francois-Cerrah and Backer find justice and equality in the faith, honor killings and household repression are the other extreme-manifestations of Islamic culture in some families she deals with.
“They prevent them from going out, prevent them from having boyfriends, prevent them from enjoying life.  Just because of their religion issue and the strictness that has been set for women."
Some say the middle class converts living in the UK have the luxury of being able to cherry pick the aspects of Islam that suit and uplift them.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

For your information.

Dear All,
Good Afternoon,
A meeting of the Humanitarian Aid Organisations / NGOs (including Red Cross, Oxfam, Save the Children, TEAR Fund and Council for International Development and NGO Disaster Relief Forum), representatives based in New Zealand , together with the local Interfaith community leaders / representatives, was convened in the Mission on 22 September, 2010.
Attached is a copy of Radio New Zealand coverage in this regard for your information.
Kind Regards,
(M. Saeed)
PA to High Commissioner

High Commission for Pakistan
182 Onslow Road, Khandallah
Wellington, New Zealand
Tel. +64 4 4790026
Fax.. +64 4 4794315

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Price rises put pressure on families

In less than a fortnight the GST increase National promised it would never impose, will put further pressures on household budgets.
The New Zealand Institute of Economic Research has just released its quarterly predictions, indicating that half of New Zealand households will be worse off than they were a year ago.
Government imposed price increases, including GST, will impose higher costs on people than will be compensated by income tax cuts.
That makes a lie of John Key’s promise that the vast majority of people will be better off after the tax switch – more of a tax swindle actually!
The GST hikes come at a time where New Zealanders are struggling to keep up with their household bills.
Baycorp warned this week that the number of people unable to pay their power bills on time is set to increase over the next six months with the average monthly bill rising from around $520 to $615.
This is not the time to make things even harder for struggling families – leading up to 1 October Labour will be focusing on the increase in cost of living, and what we can do to ease the pressure off families.

Monday, September 20, 2010

PakNewZ Vol 1, Issue 3.

Dear community member,

Attached please find 3rd issue of PakNewZ, Pakistan-New Zealand Chamber of Businesses and Professionals News Letter.

Your feedback is appreciated.

Editorial team


Sunday, September 19, 2010



A woman (65) was diabetic for the last 20+ years and was taking insulin twice a day, she used the enclosed homemade medicine for a fortnight and now
she is absolutely free of diabetes and taking all her food as normal including sweets ............ ......... ......
The doctors have advised her to stop insulin and any other blood sugar controlling drugs.
request you all please circulate the email below to as many people as you can and
let them take the maximum benefit from it.
DR. TONY ALMEIDA ( Bombay Kidney Speciality expert ) made the extensive
experiments with perseverance and patience and discovered a successful treatment for diabetes.
Now a days a lot of people, old men & women in particular suffer a lot due to Diabetes.
1 - Wheat flour 100 gm
2 - Gum(of tree) (Gond) 100 gm
3 - Barley 100 gm
4 - Black Seeds (kalunji) 100 gm
Method of Preparation Put all the above ingredients in 5 cups of water.
Boil it for 10 minutes and put off the fire. Allow it to cool down by itself.
When it has become cold, filter out the seeds and preserve the water in a glass jug or bottle.
How to use it?
Take one small cup of this water every day early morning when your stomach is empty.
Continue this for 7 days. Next week repeat the same but on alternate days. With these 2 weeks of treatment you
will wonder to see that you have become normal and can eat normal food without problem.
Note: A request is to spread this to as many as possible so that others can also take benefit out of it.
Forward This Mail To Your Friends

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What happens to honest journalists in Pakistan.

FYI.....pass it on. Just sent in from Pakistan.

What is the latest fad ?/ or should one say the latest power play ?? 
ANS : Journalist Bashing.....

What is the Writ of the Law ??
Impunity to break the law and to get away with it.

REHMAN AFRIDI of WAQT TV was duly beaten up by the influentials of Jacobabad, because he had the audacity to report the DCOs handling of relief items for the flood victims.

To verify this fact please call up Rehman Afridi at :0333 7346416

Please know that the onus is on every Pakistani Citizen to do what ever lies in their ambit to stop and redress such a wrong.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Verbal Punches

Reports of big exchanges of verbal punches are reaching to Sohni Dharti. Where Mr. Khan President of Pakistan association verbally abused former president of PANZ Naveed Hamid . Details are scratchy. Mr. Khan did same to member parliament Dr. Ashraf Choudery .        


music night

Sunday, September 12, 2010



Friday, September 10, 2010


Pastor calls off Qur’an burning, claims deal over NY mosque
 GAINESVILLE: A Florida pastor Thursday abandoned plans to burn hundreds of Qur’ans, saying Muslim leaders had vowed to relocate a mosque was to be opened close to the Ground Zero site in New York.

"The American people do not want the mosque there, and, of course, Muslims do not want us to burn the Qur’an," Terry Jones, head of the Dove World Outreach Center, told a press conference.

"The imam has agreed to move the mosque. We have agreed to cancel our event on Saturday, and on Saturday I will be flying up there to meet with him."

Jones, the pastor of the small church of about 50 members, had planned to burn the Qur’ans on Saturday's ninth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks to honor the almost 3,000 people killed in the Al-Qaeda attacks.

Amid global condemnation, religious leaders led moves to try to stop the burning, and Florida-based imam Mohammed Musri met for a second time Thursday with the pastor.

Musri said he had been in contact with New York imam Feisal Abdul Rauf to win a commitment to fly to New York to meet with him and Jones "to discuss and come to a decision on relocating the mosque in New York.

However, the organizers behind the controversial plans swiftly denied the claim by the radical Florida pastor that they had decided to move the project elsewhere.

"We don't know anything about it," one of the main promoters Daisy Khan, and the wife of the imam behind the project, told media.

A fierce debate has raged around the proposals to open an Islamic cultural center close to the site where the World Trade Center once stood until it was destroyed in the 9/11 Al-Qaeda attacks.

"I want to thank Pastor Jones for his courage and his willingness to take these serious events that are unfolding," Musri added.

Saturday's planned Qur’an burning had ignited international outrage and sparked warnings that it would trigger an Islamic backlash.

The State Department had issued a travel alert to "caution US citizens of the potential for anti-US demonstrations in many countries... some of which may turn violent.

And the global police agency Interpol had also warned of "tragic consequences" if the event goes ahead.

Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble said "there is a strong likelihood that violent attacks on innocent people would follow."

In a sign of gathering Muslim rage, thousands of Afghans marched through a small town near Kabul Thursday, chanting anti-US and anti-Christian slogans.

The Organization of the Islamic Conference, which represents the entire Muslim world, said the act would constitute "an outrageous path of hatred."

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, leader of the world's biggest Muslim nation, told Obama in a letter it would torpedo attempts to reconcile Muslims and the West.

"Indonesia and the US are building or bridging relations between the Western world and Islam. If the Qur’an burning occurs, then those efforts will be useless," Yudhoyono wrote.

The White House Thursday had been weighing whether to appeal directly to Jones to call off the planned ceremony.

US President Barack Obama warned if it went ahead it would provide "a recruitment bonanza for Al-Qaeda."

"This could increase the recruitment of individuals who'd be willing to blow themselves up in American cities, or European cities," Obama told media.

Leading Republicans had also urged Jones to reconsider.

"Pastor (Terry) Jones's threats to burn the Qur’an will put American service men/women in danger -- for their sake please don't do it!" Senator John McCain said on his Twitter feed, which has some 1.7 million followers.

Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell also warned that the "stunt" risked endangering US troops in the field, while urging the news media to show restraint.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

EID MUBARAK! High Commissioner

Dear fellow Pakistanis,
          On the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, on my own and on behalf of Pakistan High Commission Staff, I wish you and your families
                             EID MUBARAK!
(Syed Ibne Abbas)
High Commissioner

High Commission for Pakistan
182 Onslow Road, Khandallah
Wellington, New Zealand
Tel. +64 4 4790026
Fax. +64 4 4794315



The Executive Committee and members of the New Zealand Muslim League Inc. wishes to condemn in strongest possible terms, attempts to burn our Holy Book, the Quran on September 11 by Pastor Terry Jones in America.

Such action is definitely unprecedented and uncalled for. The Pastor involved and his behavior is nothing short of a coward as he should be dealing with individuals involved to quench his thirst and not burn religious books. The reason for such an action is obvious that is to incite disorder. He should consider taking other cause of action if he so wishes as he would not be able to achieve what he is after by burning religious books of others.

His actions will not only incite problems, racial hatred, disharmony, chaos and commotion in America but all over the world. The people of America as well as the Government of America ought to step in and stop such barbaric actions by an individual, the consequences of which could become a problem of the nation.  

Burning of any religious book is beyond tolerance and Pastor Terry Jones could cause more damage to the world than what has been already caused.  

We are peace loving people and we urge the authorities to act now and stop this insane person from burning the Quran and causing unwarranted unrest everywhere.  

On behalf of the Muslim Community of New Zealand we condemn the burning of our Holy Quran and pray to Allah that good sense will prevail from all quarters to maintain peace and harmony amongst all races.

President of New Zealand Muslim League inc.

Mushtaq Sheikh  JP, Dip RE, AREINZ
Sales & Marketing Consultant
Barfoot & Thompson MREINZ Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008
323 Great South Road, Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand
mobile. 021479365. off. (09)2764044. a/h (09)2795925. fax (09)2790925


In the name of Allah most gracious most merciful.
Dear Brothers,Sisters & Children.
On behalf of Executive Committee of Pakistan Association EID MUBARAK to all of you please convey our greetings to all you know.
My Dear friends it is a very difficult time for Pakistan devastating floods have ruined our lives and we must all pray for Allah Subhanohu Taala's blessings
Please ask all Imams whereever you pray to pray for Pakistan.
I also ask for your forgiveness for any act which might have offended you in the past year. I know many mistakes have been made and for the sake of UNITY we must forgive each other and pray to Allah Subhanohu Taala  for his forgiveness. We are lucky to hve many sincere and honest people around us who are loving caring and have big hearts may Allah bless them all ameen. I especially pray for GM choudhry and his team and Our Executives who are an honour for Pakistan. My heart goes for Mr Sahil Shah Md of Apna 990 may Allah accept his sincere efforts aameeen.
May Allah bless you all with his Rahmat and  grant his mercy to all of us aameeen.

NZ Herald Minister slammed over racially tinged jokes

Minister slammed over racially tinged jokes

5:30 AM Thursday Sep 9, 2010
Maurice Williamson made jokes about Samoans and Muslims. File photo / Hawke's Bay Today

Maurice Williamson made jokes about Samoans and Muslims. File photo / Hawke's Bay Today

Building Minister Maurice Williamson's reported comments about racism and jokes about Muslims have caused outrage, but the Prime Minister has shrugged them off as nothing more than humour that backfired.

Last Thursday, Mr Williamson said in a speech at an awards ceremony that attitudes to foreign ownership were often linked to the ethnicity of the buyer.

"The number of New Zealanders who don't like the idea of overseas investment ... really sort of frightens me ... A lot of it's more to do with racism."

Yesterday, it was reported that at a building awards ceremony on August 20, he had asked the MC, Samoan star Oscar Kightley, if his "papers were in order". Kightley reportedly did not find the comment offensive.

Mr Williamson also made a joke referring to the case of Iranian woman Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, whose sentence of stoning to death for adultery has caused an international outcry.

"What is the difference between Muslims and Kiwis? Muslims get to commit adultery and get stoned, Kiwis get stoned and commit adultery," he is reported as saying.

He also used the names of Muslim denominations to make a joke about the weather: "Shiite in the morning and Sunni in the afternoon."

The comments prompted Dave Moscovitz, a member of the NZ Council of Christians and Jews, to complain to Mr Williamson.

"I was disgusted by your comments making jokes at the expense of Muslims and Pacific Islanders," he wrote in an email yesterday.

"Please explain in what way you think those comments might have been appropriate.

"As a Government minister, you should be aware that you are role-modelling behaviour for the whole country, and should be seen to be building constructive relationships between NZ's increasingly diverse ethnic and religious groups."

Uzra Balouch, writing on the Aotearoa Ethnic Network, also found the jokes offensive.

"Frankly speaking, I am disgusted and astonished that a minister of the Crown had to stoop to racial and religious jokes to appear funny.

"I love a good joke but there is a time and a place for everything. This was an awards ceremony, not a comedy-fest."

John Key downplayed the remarks yesterday, describing them as humour that had backfired.

The Prime Minister told Parliament he did not think New Zealanders with concerns about overseas ownership were racist.

He had earlier said Mr Williamson's jokes should be taken as the humour that he intended.

"In the last 12 months he's managed to cause offence to the Jews and the Arabs, so it's one-all at this stage."

In 2007, Mr Williamson was forced to apologise for an email he sent responding to a television report on obesity: "If some people can't lose weight no matter what ... how come there were no fat people in the Nazi concentration camps?"

Yesterday, Mr Williamson did not return calls, but said in Parliament, "I didn't say that", in regard to the remark about racism and overseas investment.

As Land Information Minister, he is one of two ministers who will ultimately decide the fate of the 16 Crafar farms that are being sought by the Hong Kong-listed company Natural Dairy.

Labour's overseas investment spokesman, David Parker, questioned how New Zealanders could have confidence in that process.

"How can [Mr Key] be confident when his minister has made such a silly comment?"


Assalamu Alaykum Wr Wb

             Eid mubarak to you all.

Syed Abdullah Nabi won the Al- Madinah speeech competition 2010.



Wednesday, September 8, 2010





Subject:- Pakistan’s Prime Minister and Foreign Minister express     solidarity with New Zealand counterparts on Canterbury     Region earthquake.


      H.E. Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan and H.E. Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan in their separate messages of sympathy to Rt. Hon John Key, Prime Minister and Hon. Murray McCully, Foreign Minister of New Zealand, have expressed their solidarity with the Government and people of New Zealand on the devastating earthquake that struck Canterbury region in early hours of 04 September, 2010. 

      The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister expressed their shock and dismay on the damage the earthquake caused, especially, to the city of Christchurch, destroying buildings and infrastructure. They requested their New Zealand counterparts that their sentiments may be shared with the affected families of the calamity. 

      The messages have already been forwarded through the diplomatic channels. 

      The High Commissioner also wrote a letter to the Mayor of Christchurch, Mr. Bob Parker, expressing his sympathy on this catastrophe and commending the resilience of people of Christchurch who braved this cataclysm with exemplary steadfastness.  

P.R.NO. 14 


08 September, 2010.



Our Building Minister Shame on him!

Building Minister Maurice Williamson cracked jokes about Muslims at an awards ceremony – just days before he accused Kiwis of racism over foreign ownership.

Mr Williamson climbed on stage to present two awards and asked MC Oscar Kightley, the Samoan star of Sione's Wedding, if his "papers were in order".

He went on to tell jokes making fun of Islam. One asked: "What is the difference between Muslims and Kiwis? Muslims get to commit adultery and get stoned, Kiwis get stoned and commit adultery."

Mr Williamson also quipped about the weather being "Shi'ite in the morning and Sunni in the afternoon," a reference to the two main denominations of the religion.

Mr Williamson was a guest of honour at the New Zealand Institute of Building awards for excellence in the building industry on August 20. About 500 guests attended the bash at Auckland's Rendezvous Hotel.

Please sign petition to stop Quran Burning

Hi there,

I just signed an open letter to George W. Bush—asking that he speak out against the bigotry and anti-Muslim rhetoric we’ve been hearing recently.

Will you join us?

As a president who spoke up for tolerance while he was in office, he can break through the intolerant rhetoric.

“America rejects bigotry. We reject every act of hatred against people of Arab background or Muslim faith,” Bush said.

Where is he now that the issue has become a political football? Help us urge President Bush to condemn the bigotry he rejected after 9/11.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

FASHION ZONE (Proudly sell made in PAKISTAN)

                                                         Eid Mubarak

Men's Kurta &  Kamez Shalwar for Eid

Men's Shirt & Jeans

Huge range of Scarfs

Abayas in all sizes

Ladies 3pcs material

Girls Eid Dresses

Shawls & Pashminas

Embriodary Hand Bags

Bed Sheets

Pray Mats (Jai Namaz)

Fashion Color Contact Lenses (many colors are available)

And many many more...........................................



64, Stoddard Road, Mount Roskill

(Inside Moshims Plaza)

Phone : 6294122





Sunday, September 5, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Christchurch Earthquake

Dear Community Members,
     Kindly find attachment which is a Press Release issued by the High Commission for Pakistan .
Kind Regards,
M. Saeed
PA to High Commissioner

High Commission for Pakistan
182 Onslow Road, Khandallah
Wellington, New Zealand
Tel. +64 4 4790026
Fax. +64 4 4794315

Attachment: aa2.doc

EID in The Garden





Snacks and Drinks will be provided

(Balloon and chocolates for children)

Eid-ul-Fiter Salaah

will be led by:

Hafiz Junaid

Facility for Women and Children will also be available

For information contact: Hafiz Junaid on 021-128-3220



at Auckland

Botanical Gardens

102 Hill Rd, Manurewa

Auckland 2105


Friday, September 3, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Media Statement

30 August 2010

Ethnic Aucklanders under-represented in
council controlled organisations


The list of directors and chairs for Auckland Super City’s council-controlled
organisations agreed by Cabinet last week under-represents the Asian and
Ethnic voice, Labour’s associate spokesperson for Ethnic Affairs Dr Ashraf
Choudhary says.

“It is a big disappointment the Government has not acknowledged more fully
Asian and Ethnic representation in its Super City reform.

"There are many successful Asian business people to choose from. This
is exactly the kind of initiative the Government should be using to improve
representation for ethnic people.

“According to the Government every single member and chair is an Aucklander,
yet the make-up of CCO boards announced does not acknowledge the over
20 percent of Aucklanders of ethnic descent.

“This insensitivity is not acceptable to the wider ethnic community of Auckland,
who have contributed hugely to the cities economic development.

These nominations were invited from Mayors of all Auckland territorial
authorities, the chair of the Auckland Regional Council, Ministers, as well as the
Ministers of Women’s Affairs, Consumer Affairs, and Pacific Island Affairs, Te
Puni Kökiri, the Offices of Ethnic Affairs and Disabilities and the Treasury,” Dr
Choudhary said.

“I question how robust this nomination process was, because the CCO board
certainly does not reflect the diversity of Auckland city.”

Contact: Ashraf Choudhary 021 799 573.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

SOS - Children of Pakistan

Pakistan – New Zealand Chamber of Businesses and Professionals Inc.

31 August 2010


SOS – Children of Pakistan Fund Raising


We are all aware of the devastation caused by the monsoon flooding in vast areas of Pakistan. The enormity of damages is beyond comprehension of those living in the developed world.  An estimated four million people have been displaced throughout the country and lost everything including their homes. Children especially those who have lost their parents are the worst affected. They are in urgent need of food, shelter, clothing and medicines. Sadly, international community have not fully responded to the quantum of the catastrophe. The amount of help and assistance offered to date is far short of the barest minimum. There is an urgent need to come forward and multiply our rescue efforts.


Responding to the need of the hour, Pakistan – New Zealand Chamber of Businesses and Professionals have organised a New Zealand-wide campaign to raise funds for children of Pakistan.

What is the campaign called?

The campaign is named as SOS-Children of Pakistan.

What are the dates of the campaign?

The major part of the campaign shall kick start from 1 September 2010 and run through to 21 September 2010.

Are there other organizations supporting the campaign?

The campaign is joined by some leading organizations in New Zealand, notably, Westfield New Zealand, ANZ National Bank, House of Fundraising, and Telecom. More organizations are joining the campaign as we speak!


Westfield New Zealand has generously allowed the Chamber to raise funds at its five major shopping outlets for seven peak days in total. ANZ National Bank has generously offered its staff as volunteers to participate in the fund raising campaign. Several PTEs in Auckland have also offered their staff and students to participate as volunteers in the campaign. House of Fundraising has generously offered their products for the fund-raising purpose. Telecom has approved a 0900SOS86 (090076786) number to make donations via telephone calls.

What is happening in the campaign?

Some of the major components of the campaign are as follows:


SOS-Children of Pakistan Bank Account       

Account name:                     SOS – Children of Pakistan

Bank:                                    ANZ National Bank

Account Number:                 01-1835-0059232-50

All collections and donations will be deposited at the Chamber’s SOS – Children of Pakistan fund. Direct deposits by the donors can also be made.


0900SOS86 number:

0900SOS86 (090076786) has been set up and it is active now.

Each call incurs donation of $20 from the caller.

Multiple donations can also be made through multiple calls.

More than one caller can call at any time.


Donation collections at the Westfield Shopping Centres:

Donations will be collected at the following Westfield Shopping centres as per the following program:

 The weekend of 9th – 12 September 2010.

·         Albany - Auckland  9th, 10th September

·         Chartwell - Hamilton 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th September

·         St Lukes - Auckland 9th and 10th September


The weekend of Thursday 16th, 17th, and 18th September 2010.

·         Queensgate – Wellington.

·         Riccarton – Christchurch.


Street calls:

Several street calls shall be raised between the dates of 9 September 2010 through 18 September 2010.


Subject to the participation of other organizations, the campaign may extend to Raffle Draws; and Sale of Products from House of Fundraising.

What is the purpose of the campaign?

The purposes of the campaign are to:

1.    Raise funds for the affected (four million) children due to monsoon flooding in Pakistan.

2.    To raise awareness with regards to the magnitude and enormity of the calamity in Pakistan and sensitise people in New Zealand of the possible consequences that children in Pakistan might face from this disaster!

Where will the funds go? 

The funds will initially be deposited at the Chamber’s SOS-Children of Pakistan ANZ National Bank account number 01-1835-0059232-50. At the conclusion of the campaign, the funds shall be sent to Prime Minister of Pakistan Flood Relief Fund through Pakistan High Commission in Wellington, New Zealand.


Depending upon the amount of collection, the Chamber will nominate a project that funds will be used for; such as, supplies of food, clothing, medicine; and construction of school, hospital or a refuge centre for the children. Such centre shall be named after a similar New Zealand entity.

Who can participate in the campaign?

Any person can participate in the running of this campaign. Interested persons can register with the Chamber at . Please mention your name, contact details, and hours of availability in your email. You will be contacted by the Chamber and requested appropriate duties.

Where can I get more information?

Please contact the Chamber at for further information.