Thursday, June 1, 2006

14th August 2006, Meeting Report (PANZ)

14th August Pakistan Independence day (Community Meeting) Report


PANZ had a community meeting at Atta House Papatoe last Tuesday evening to finalise the preparations for the oncoming independence day function in Auckland.



The following decisions were made.


Invitations were finalized to officials and guests

Sponsors list was finalised


Entry suggested donation

Single   $10.00

Family $20.00


Free quality food will be provided to the community on this upcoming Independence Day, The majority were in favor of this decision.


The following Committees were formed to start their job for the 14th August in different fields.   


Food Committee include the following persons, But they still required volunteers for distribution on 14th August Day:


Task:  Cooking and distribution of food, drinks, dishes


G.M Saheb

 Jamshadul Hassan


Zeb Mohammad


This committee will give a report to the General committee about their preparations, work, and finance expenses on this task. The maximum budget for the Food on this Independence Day is $10,000 approved by PANZ. Committee was advised to minimize the expenses but also make sure that the food quality is best on that day.


Finance committee:


Naveed Hamid

G.M Saheb

Nadeem ashraf




Sabir Cheema

Tahir Geelani

Zeb Mohammad

Syed waqar Ali Shah

This committee will be responsible for arranging finances for the 14th August function in Central and South Auckland.



Reception Committee includes the following persons:


Mr. Naveed hamid

All Three Exectives

Zeb Mohammad

Hassan Jamshaid

Nadeem Ashraf

Vice President Mazhar.Ch

Mr. Mateen.S

Mrs. Fayyaz

Mrs. Khalid Naseem

Uzra Baloch

Mrs. Waqar

Munawar Khan

Saleem Shehzad


This committee will be welcoming the guests on the 14th August day; they are advised to be in the Hall at least 2 hours before the function start. Their job is Welcome the guests at the Hall gate and Pass them on to the Hall Inside committee.



Hall inside Committee include the following members



Sabir Cheema


This committee will organize the seating positions for the guests and will receive the guests from the Reception committee.  


Media Committee:

This include of the following members


Shahid Azad


Javed Iqbal

Atta Bhai

Tayyaba Khan


This committee will call a internal meeting soon to finalise the media role in this 14th Aug Function include Advertisement on Radio,T.V, Papers and Net and the Media role on the day.   


  Stage Committee


Stage committee include the following persons


Their job will be to prepare the teams for the stage and direct the stage programs as well as rehearsals before the Independence Day.  Mr Fayyaz and Naseem Soherwardi will call a meeting soon for this Task.


Shahid Azad

Khalid Naseem

Mr Fayyaz

Mrs Fayyaz

Aamir Khan

Nasir Khan

Naseem Suherwardi

Mrs Naseem

Atta Bhai



For the Stage Secretary the following names were initially proposed


Nasir Khan


Mateen Siddiqui


Lubna Ehsan



Mrs. Fayyaz


Saeed Saheb



The General committee will decide on this position. General committee may also decide to give a chance to three different couples. General committee will call a meeting for audition soon.  

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