Thursday, September 24, 2009

Eid On Eid Day

Eid On Eid Day . Is it a Good Idea?

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Good idea

Not a Good Idea

Eid On Eid Day . Is it a Good Idea?

if it is then click the POLL in task bar.

Christians didn't get extravagant festive ideas from their scriptures, just as Muslims didn't get the no-fun philosophy from theirs. It's all made up later. Why, Christians even made up Christ's date of birth for collective convenience.

And they haven't even tried to be original with their objects of celebration. The Norway trim tree is European rather than Middle Eastern.

And it became a mass practice to decorate a tree in or outside one's house in anticipation of Christmas only a couple of hundred years ago.

Jews have their Hanukkah, the Festival of Light, Hindus have their Diwali when they light up and paint complicated natural patterns outside their front door, Sikhs have their Besakhi when they beat drums and dance around bonfires...

Why can't we make up something nice for our prime festival? Something fun for the whole family, whole community? Can't we use some light, colours, songs, games, stories? Anything that's cheerful and most people can join in.

The religious part of Ramadan and Eid is personal, so keep it within you.

The festival part can only work if it's a collective celebration. So let's talk about it. If Eid means anything to you, does the day make you feel a part of the celebration?

What is your Eid like? What would you like it to be?


Instead of inviting friends and families at home for feast, going to friends and family, day gets over by visiting one are two visits. Why not Eid Milan on Eid day,? .Where we can gather, meet and greet our nears and dears under one roof , it can be a one dish Party, we bring what we cook at home on Eid day       

1 comment:

BillaG GoBillaG said...

Poll will be close 11/10/09. Please say your say now