Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Welcome to Pakistan

One hand on steering wheel, one hand out of window. - Sydney

One hand on steering wheel, one hand on horn - Japan

One hand on steering wheel, one hand on newspaper, foot
solidly on accelerator.- Boston

Both hands on steering wheel, eyes shut, both feet on brake,
shaking in terror - New York

Both hands in air, gesturing, both feet on accelerator,
head turned to talk to someone in back seat - Italy

One hand on horn, one hand greeting, one ear on cell phone,
one ear listening to loud music, foot on accelerator, eyes on female
pedestrians, conversation with someone in next car - Welcome to

1 comment:

بـــلاجی MSN said...

DIL VEE RAKHHOO Once I was driving very busy road of Gujranwala, it was jam packed with all sort of traffic, Pedestrians, RARRY BAN, buffalos, and Tangas (Horse cart) , it seems that no body knows what side left and what side is right, I was so confused I wanted to stop on side to relax but there was no side to stop “It was do or die situation”, from distances I saw a Tanga creeping toward our side, it was making its way slowly , some time left side of the road and some time on right side of the road, I was wondering and admiring the skill of Tanga BAAN (cart driver) until he was in front of me, he tried his best to stay way from car but suddenly a cycle man come in front of his tanga , horse dread  so fearfully that tanga baan lost his control on horse, next it was our car although he tried his very best but damage had been done , Tanga’s PAIY DAAN (foot rest) was in our cars right hand door. He said “ you know BAAU ji this is animal stuff it doesn’t have brakes, you have car with breaks you should stop” I said but our wasn’t moving we were stoped” Tanga man replied “BAAU ji (gentleman) if you keep big car , keep big heart too , in big cities these kind of things are very small”