Friday, April 15, 2005


Panz this years 10th meeting was held at Imtiaz office in Mt Roskill yesterday between 5pm to 7pm.
Three members attended the meeting.
Mr President          Sohail Khan.
G.Sec                    Imtiaz
Ans Finance Sec    Haroon 
Meeting agenda was
1. Eid Miladun Nabi ( PBUH)
2.14th Aug 2005  programe.
3. Member ship process and update.
4. Jinnah centre ( What the Exectives doing about it)
Panz will be arranging minimum programes this year the time and energy and money will spend on some practical work now as follows.
1.     Regarding Eid Milad Programe it was decided not to arrange a separate programe but to take part in South Auckland Muslim Association 23rd Apr 5pm programe as its not a National day but a Religious day so we should be celebrating it with muslims from all over the world as The Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) was the last NABI for the whole world, Also the South Auckland association announced it first so we request all muslim brothers and sisters to take part in it. This day will remind us Our NABI (PBUH) and his efforts for Ummah. Also our kids will learn some things about our Last NABI(PBUH). 
2.      For the 14th of August programe it was decided that to arrange a hall for atleast 800 plus by the 25th of this month and after that PANZ Gen.Body Members will start meetings with woman wing memers and youth wing members as wel as respected Pakistani business community members. This process should be completed by the 7th of MAy 2005. And our next step will be to send E.mails to all Pakistani community members and get their ideas for the 14th August programe and offer them if any one is intrested to perform any thing. Final decision will be made by the cabinet. It was also decided that Mr President and finance secretary will be starting work from next week for the funds arrangments for this programe.
3.       Membership process and updates. It was decided to give this responsibility to the Vice president Mazhar anf Joint secretary Taj Shaikh Saheb to complete and update this process and data. And let the community know about all about all facts.
4.   Jinnah centre: If I am not wrong the first Pakistani woman came to Nz 56 years ago but even though most of us got own houses here for 2 and 3 persons which we are affording but we 1000-00 community pakistanese can not afford a home for Pakistan Jinnah centre or Pakistan centre. As we got no news from Exectives about Jinnah centre so far and according to constitution its their responsibilty to arrage it but as our needs made it very much necessary for us to have our own centre now. We will wel come the exectives ideas and plans But before it happen   we would like to put our proposal infront of them and the community and  This proposal and plan came from Gen.Secretary Imtiaz that once the membership report comes we will be in position to discuss about a plan.
This plan will be in 5 stepts.
1. To  Make a committee of 10 persons which will include members from community, business field, Gen. Body and Exectives.
2. If the mebership reach to 1000. A minimum donation/fee for Jinnah centre will be $ 100. Any one who is unable to pay atonce will be given time up to 10 monmths $ 10-00 monthly only which is very much affordable even for kids. This will give us a fund of $ 100,000-00. Also some of the business community members are expected to offer more for it as The G.Secretary announced that he will be offering arround $ 5000-00 once the plan started. We expect more from big business people. It is expected that by this way the funds for Jinnah centre can reach up to $ 130000-00. This will take 11 months one month for plan and 10 months for instalments minimum $ 10-00 monthly $ 100-00 in 10 months for one person. which is not enough for a hall but is enough for a plat or land in a cheaper area. Which will be enough for a hall and some rooms.
Step 3.       
These funds will be strickly used for Jinnah Centre only and the 10 person commitee will arrange a plat or land in Auckland with this 130,000-00 dollars. As soon its arranged.
Step 4.  The above process need one year and 2 months. This step is to make plan for the hall we need a simple hall but our own  not a big townhall. The above commitee will be given again 11 months time to make plan arrange funds minimum $ 10-00 a month will be enough per person to start with. In this process we will also be requesting members if any one wants to give a loan to the association time will fixed for the association to pay it back to them this should be on no intrest.   In South auckland area its cost about $ 70000-00 to make a small three bedroom house if some one got their own land. But as we do not need a house we need a hall. This hall can hired used by any one on Payments to Pakistan association. That will be time when we will not need any more donations and Association will be well established. as income will be coming from hall and rooms on rent.
Step 5.
 Continioue this process untill the hall complete . Our dream our own place we will be proud of it. lets finish this become united for the sake of Pakistan work for Pakistan not for our own politics work for Pakistani nation and future not for our own name and publicity lets work for Pakistan and finish talking against each other be 1 be unite I am sure we can make it. 
PANZ  Request to all Pakistanese living in New Zealand    
Pakistan Association of New Zealand
Please send your ideas to
phone: 09-6209009
Fax:     09-6209002
P.o>BOX 27688 Mt Roskill Auckland.
Thank you.
Imtiaz G.S PANZ


بـــلاجی MSN said...

Thanks PANZ, It shows that you guys have confidence to face the community , and have guts to face the questions and answer the questions Please let us know what is our membership and what is the procedure of membership for new members and the membership form of PANZ, on Sohni Dharti is OK As 14 of Aug is biggest function of Pakistani please have look in Tidal Rd hall , it may cast us more, but it is the need of the time For Jinnah Hall , it good to hear that dream is still alive, in this case we need to find 10 Dr Wasim Ketan or we can request Dr Ketan to multiply himself with 10

gspanz20051 MSN said...

Dear Billa G.   All we doing is trying our best to serve our community not to Questions or answere. If any one got any questions or would like to work for the betterment of this community they are wel come to come farward I will be the first to go with them. And I will be more than happy to give them a chance or to work with them.    Jinnah hall: For Jinnah hall Insha Allah We will make a group of Ten ( Those want to make it happend ) and those who love their mother land.   Tidal rd hall: Thank you for that what we were looking for. insha ALLAH we will try our best for it.   Member ship process ( Its the need of the time for Jinnah hall ), Those forms on sohni dharti are ok.      PANZ ( imtiaz)  

cityscan MSN said...


بـــلاجی MSN said...

This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.

gspanz20051 MSN said...

Thank you for youe comments about PANZ.

Yes we all new... Just 3 months old. But PANZ have arranged 6 progrmes in
the last 3 months also sorted one media related matter ( Propeganda against
Pakistan By Parem jeet on radio tarana)

6 Programes were Eid Milan Party..Shekespeare Park
23rd March Jinnah Movie on Capitol Cinema
Cricket match Pak sports club vs Indian sports club in New zealand
And the most recent one Three live matches between India vs Pak on Big
capitol cinema screen. We have given 25% discounts to pakistani cricket
lovers. Which made the pakistani croud much bigger than last year matches.

PANZ is also issueing reference letters to community members for their job
and immigration matters. And making arrangements for 14th August programe.

In past three months Panz had One meeting with MP regarding problems to
community Panz also had a meeting with Land trandpot New zealand regarding
taxi rank on Water front Via duct as we got complaints from Taxi drivers and
they refered the matter to the Planing division in process now. Panz also
had 10 cabinet meeting so far in three months and discussed the community
related matters. also made plans for the futures.

And next we are making plans for the Jinnah centre which is our dream.

That was a short info for you to know new PANZ... And to know what they are

May Allah help us to work for the betterment of our community.


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بـــلاجی MSN said...

“This is a miss leading statement from G/sec of PANZ that Eid Millad un Nabi is not a national day” said Molana Malik Javaid , talking with Sohni Dharti on a Milad dinner arranged by Jamshad ul Hussan, Mr Malik said these are those people who were against the idea of Pakistan creation and these are the people who used to say we are “HINDUSTANI NATION” and apposed the logic of “DOO QOMI NAZREEA” on their best now it is shame us  these people are leading Pakistani Community, Mr Malik said for their information Eid Milad un Nabi is public holiday in Pakistan

gspanz20051 MSN said...

I do not believe if Mr Javaid can give this kind of irresponsiblke statement
And if he has then may He just reponded to heresay or He

Mr Javed can not read English.... Or do not know about the history then. If
he did that.

I said in the statement that Its a religious day far all muslim nation not
just far Pakistanese. So we will be celebrating it with South Auckland
muslim association. And what Mr Javaid knows about Do Qoumi Nazaria or the
the history of N.W.F.P ( Or Khans) ..... In 1946 and 1947 those were the
Khans who saved the Pak Muslim woman from Hindus nationalist. When crossing
the border from India the muslim woman were not safe and had no choice to
show their self from N.w.f.p even if they were Punjab or from any where....
Then they were safe. Except Ghaffar Khan all the political leaders of
N.W.F.P fight far Pakistan Thats why N.W.F.P in Pakistan. And do you have
any idea about Jange Azadi 1857...... The pukhtoons was the nation who had
courage to face the English solders. Pakistan muslim leage got 66% of votes
in N.W.F.P. Thats the reason we are in Pakistan If we were intrested in
India no Mai Ka Lal was going to be able to stop us from that. But we
believe in Do Qaumi Nazria.... The Muslims and the Hinduse... Two dofferent
nations. And I do not believe in Punjab....N.w.f.p
.....sindh.....or....Balochistan.....I believe in Paksiatan...... I will
advise Mr Javaid saheb that before making any statements please read my
statements properly and then give your suggestions on it. And please do not
try to target a true nation of Pakistan. The PANZ in the strong hands now.
Every one from every where tried it we did not said any thing afainst them
we were sielent just looking and supporting all of them.... If it was
Qazi...Qitan....Zafar....Or Raja....Or Touqir Saheb we respected all... As
we did not thought about them that they are from which area or which
province but they are Pakistanese. But I was very disappointed to read this
kind of staement from a mature person.

I will explain it again.... National means programes belong to Pakistan
culture only.... Religious means international.... Prophet Muhammed ( PBUH)
bith day is an international programe Holiday in All muslim countries not
just in Pakistan. And we are celebrating it in New Zealand And I Thank and
pray for all who doing these carekhair programes.

Imtiaz ( PANZ)

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gspanz20051 MSN said...

History of Pukhtoons.   We accept that Punjab is the graet provance of Pakistan... And we had seen great people from this province had fight against enemise and give their life... played for Pakistan Cricket done a great job...served in Pak army . And leaded the country bravely.... But N.W.F.P always paid their share of Qurbani and they nwere never back when ever Paksitan needed them If its the War of Afghanistan or ...Sichen....1947 or 1965.     Cargil......Co Sher Khan......................Nishane Haider..........................  Just one against 17 ...... Who give his life for Pakistan and was the only one who did not  accepted defeat..... but  occupied 10K.M from India ....which was given back by a Prime minister the graet of Pak... to India.    1965...... Pak vs India.........................First seventeen people who give their life and slept under the tanks of India when Lahore was on fire saved Pakistan were from Frontier send by The great President Ayub Khan.   Just for the informations of the people who need the history of N.W.F.P and Paistan.    

gspanz20051 MSN said...

Misunderstaning cleared.   Thanks to Javaid Malik Saheb for his clerification,explanation and understanding of my statement and denying his statement on Sohni dharti. As discussed on the phone We all Pakistanese are like brothers and sisters and though we are from different areas but at the end we all Pakistanese and we are proud to be Paistani more than our local caste  nationalities. Which is just a division of culture but as a nation we all Pakistanese. And would love to work for Pakistan only.   At the End I regret if from my statement any one was offended or hurted. Also thanks again to Mr Javaid saheb for the clerification of this matter.   And for the Sohni dharti I expect a good peace keeping role to gather all Pakistanese on one flatform.   Imtiaz G.S ( PANZ)

بـــلاجی MSN said...

1. Regarding Eid Milad Programe it was decided not to arrange a separate programe but to take part in South Auckland Muslim Association 23rd Apr 5pm programe as its not a National day but a Religious day so we should be celebrating it with muslims from all over the world as The Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) was the last NABI for the whole world, Also the South Auckland association announced it first so we request all muslim brothers and sisters to take part in it. This day will remind us Our NABI (PBUH) and his efforts for Ummah. Also our kids will learn some things about our Last NABI(PBUH). Above mentioned paragraph is centre of controversy, in this paragraph this sentence is centre of controversy 23rd Apr 5pm programe as its not a National day but a Religious day You may be right it is miss understanding or miss writing, even I did not know it is a public holiday or it is not National day, when I heard this from Molana Javaid that it is a National day, it was not only me but two other guys were standing beside me too, one of them brought Molana to me specially for this statement , Mr Javaid said some thing else too which I did not put on because of sensitivity of matter, Accepting the facts and rejecting the statement , that’s how we know people, and what they stand for,and where we stand for them. Sohni Dharti believe there is an opportunity in every obstacle, and I found it in History of Pukhtoons. At the end Sohni Dharti would like to say “A mistake of leader always multiply by public”