Monday, March 2, 2009


Attched is PANZ Constitution copy , if you think some thing need be change , Please come with your suggestions  


Muhammad Siddiqui said...

There is one clarification. The words / sentences in RED colour have been suggested to be removed and the words / sentences in BLUE colour are additions suggested to be added. Kindly feel free to go through and send any suggestion to by 10th March or you may write here as a comment preferably with a contact for more discussion if needed. Thanks

Zubair (BillaG) Saleem said...

At any General Meeting of the Association there shall be not less than one third of the members with valid membership in person in order to form a quorum.
If there is no quorum present within half an hour after the time fixed for commencement of the meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day and hour the following week. Those present at such adjourned meetings shall be competent to transact all the business for which the meeting was called

Thanks Mr Saddiqui
My suggestion is : 15 to 20 (Numbers can be fixed in meeting ) or more members presences should be quorum , it will save us time and money as well
