Friday, December 10, 2010


Middle-income earners are really feeling the squeeze right now as prices continue to rise much faster than wages. New statistics show that average household incomes over the last year have actually fallen, leaving New Zealand families $30 a week worse off.
They’re working harder but they’re unable to get ahead and they’re worried about the future for themselves and their children. The National-led government has no vision and no plan. They’re sitting on the sidelines doing nothing while incomes fall and prices rise and unemployment stays high.
Labour will actively manage the economy in a more aggressive, hands-on way to help families get ahead and to grow the economy. Labour’s plan involves reforming the Reserve Bank to help exporters, paying off net debt faster, increasing our savings, promoting innovation through R&D and developing high value exports. We won’t simply tax and spend.
Our priority will be to create jobs, keep the cost of living down and give our children the best start in life. National’s simply sitting back, trying to ride out the tough times. It’s come up with nothing but gimmicks like job summits and cycle-ways. Labour’s active management will follow the example of other small but smart and successful countries like Denmark, Finland and Singapore.
And the benefits of economic growth will be shared by all New Zealanders, not just the privileged few that National has looked after.

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