Sunday, April 10, 2011

'stop asset sales'

National wants to sell our assets that previous generations have worked hard to build up. Last time National sold our assets they were bought up by foreign buyers. Power prices rose and billions of dollars in profits went offshore.
Under Labour there will be no asset sales. Our plan is to build up our assets so they’re part of growing the economy, and part of providing a secure future for you and all Kiwi families.
On Monday night in Auckland I launched Labour's campaign to stop asset sales.
Over the coming weeks we'll be ramping things up with billboards, fliers, signage and online activities - including a few things we haven't tried before.
I'll keep you up to date as things progress but I'm writing today to offer you the chance to be part of the campaign by sponsoring a 'stop asset sales' sign and to ask you to show your support for the campaign online too.
If you want Kiwi assets to stay in Kiwi hands click here to make a secure online donation right now.
Your donation will be put to immediate use in printing stop asset sales 'stop signs' which are showing up nationwide (check out the photos here). They're a powerful way to spread the Stop Asset Sales message but we need your help to cover the country with them.
The signs cost $10 each to produce. Every extra one we have at our disposal is a great help to the campaign. Please consider sponsoring one or more by making a secure donation here.
If you support keeping Kiwi assets in Kiwi hands please also show your support on our Facebook page, make sure you follow the Stop Assets Sales campaign on Twitter and forward this email to a friend - these are highly effective (and free) ways of helping to spread this important Labour message.
Thanks again for getting behind the campaign to protect New Zealand's assets.
Kind regards,
Phil Goff
Labour Leader

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