Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Bill English’s shocking claim that it is an advantage for Kiwi workers to be paid 30% less than Australians shows just how far out of touch he is.

Many New Zealanders are struggling to pay their bills because their wages aren’t rising. The cost of living is skyrocketing with prices for everyday basics like petrol, power, food and milk putting pressure on families. Many Kiwi workers are heading across the ditch to Australia looking for better paying jobs.

When National came to power, it promised to close the wage gap to encourage our workers to stay at home. But John Key and Bill English have not only thrown in the towel on that promise, they’ve even gone as far as suggesting we’re better off being a low wage economy! Explain that to the Kiwi workers who are grafting hard every day and taking home barely enough money to survive on. They won’t thank National for that attitude.

The statement is an indictment on this Government and its failure to grow our economy. National stands for a low wage economy and it is taking this country backwards.

Labour stands for a high-skill, high-wage, high-tech economy, where we invest in research and development and trade training. We can either be the cheapest or we can be the best.

I want to lead a country where we are the best.

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