Sunday, May 22, 2011

Made deep cuts to Working for Families

Today, National delivered a Budget that will hurt hard-working Kiwis already struggling to get ahead but won’t fix our dire economic situation.
Their Budget:
Confirmed asset sales
Undermined the future of KiwiSaver
Made deep cuts to Working for Families
Identified future cuts worth $1 billion in the public sector
Many Kiwi families are struggling to get ahead.
They are having a hard time putting food on the table, petrol in the car and keeping their homes warm. They’re worried that that one in four young New Zealanders are out of work and losing hope.
What the country needed was bold and courageous action. What we’ve got from National is a long list of broken promises.
National said it wouldn’t cut KiwiSaver, Working for Families or student loans and that it wouldn’t increase GST.
It’s done all of those things.
Labour accepts that existing spending is not sacrosanct. But if cuts have to be made, they should be justifiable and fair. The sacrifices that need to be made to turn our country around should be fairly shared by all New Zealanders – not just pushed on to those who can afford it the least.

Labour will relieve the financial pressure from the rising cost of living because we think New Zealanders deserve a break.
Labour's plan:
We will stop asset sales to keep power prices under control.
We will take GST off fresh fruit and vegetables.
We will make the first $100 a week tax free.
We will implement bold new economic policies and a fairer tax system.
Labour will put hardworking families at the centre of everything that we do.
Today, I'm asking you to join with me in voting no confidence for National's "No plan, no vision" budget.
Please click here or on the button below to show your support. And please encourage your friends and families to join us. Let's make this Bill English's and John Key's last budget.

Kind regards,
Phil Goff
Labour Leader
PS. As expected, National confirmed it's intention to sell state assets. Under Labour there will be no asset sales. If you haven't already, please sign our petition, join us on Facebook and donate a $10 stop sign to the campaign - they're still in hot demand by activists up and down the country. Thanks again for all you do.

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