Wednesday, February 5, 2003

Thats The way


4-A Stoddard Place

Mt. Roskill, Auckland.

P.O.Box 27472 Mt. Roskill

Auckland, New Zealand.

  Ph. (09) 626 0149

Fax (09) 626 0149





Dear Zubair Saleem (BILLA)



From last six months many new comers from Pakistan have reached New Zealand in Job Search Visa category. Under this category one is given six months time period to find a job offer in New Zealand and is granted permanent residence at the provision of the same. The applicant has to leave New Zealand in case of failure in job offer provision. 


Some of our community members are desperately looking for any kind of job offer (relevant or irrelevant) since their time period is reaching to the end. This means they will have to go back in case they fail to find any job offer in coming weeks.


We are sending this SOS call to selected members of Pak Community who might help us in finding or arranging Job Offers for them. Please remember cooperation, sacrifice and sincerity are hallmark of all the other ethnic communities and we should try to excel in them.

Please remember, a helping hand might save the future of someone.


For further information, please contact the writer on numbers given below.





Shahid Azad


Vice President

Pakistan Association of New Zealand



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