Saturday, November 20, 2004

AGM of Pakistan Association of New Zealand

This is to inform all the community members that AGM of Pakistan Association of New Zealand that was scheduled to be held on 6 November and was postponed because of Ramadan will now be held on 5 December 2004. The AGENDA includes progress report, and accounts presentation by PANZ General Committee.


Those who have not renewed their membership last year are hereby advised to do so by 1 December 2004.The membership forms are available to fill from the following outlets


 1-Khyber Foods Stoddard Road Mt. Roskill

 2-Apna Bazar Stoddard Road Mt. Roskill

 3-Shaan Foods Station Road Otahuhu


Membership for both the individuals and the family remain $10.Please return the filled forms back at the outlets counters along with membership fee. The membership forms can also be requested through email and fax either by contacting us at

or our phone numbers given at the bottom.


Then filled forms along with membership fee can be posted at

P.O.Box 27472

Mt. Roskill



Any query about the above can be made at the following


Haroon Ahmed

General Secreatary

Mob: 021 2953323

Ph: 8260149

Mob: 027 2737903


بـــلاجی MSN said...

Could someone confirm the time and place Please , for the AGM ?

billa_one MSN said...

AGM, Tomorrow, 5th of December 106 Halsey Drive, Lynfield Time : 5 Pm

بـــلاجی MSN said...

Today more then 40 people gathered to see the progress reports and accounts of 2years of PANZ in office President of Pakistan association Sahid Azad presented the reports in which it shows that PANZ had collected approximately $60,0000, now PANZ have about 17,000 in it accounts, major amount which came though was $47,000, which was given to driver’s family who was died in road accident , in his speech Mr Azad said he wished that those people were here who criticised PANZ on its accounts , after presenting accounts Mr Azad asked public, if anyone have any question   Shahid Azad answering the Qustions  Two questions come along both were unrelated to the subject of AGM One question was put up by MR Rana , that some one has used PANZ name and death incident of our dead brothers to achieve counsellorship in NZ from Govt of Pakistan , Mr Rana avoided to tell the name of personalty instead he said every one knows it , Mr Rana only said that personalty often come on radio Tarana, Other question came from Haider Lone , he praised the PANZ work, and question Mr Azad that what guarantee we have that money would be spend in right way while PANZ who has collected this money by there hard work personal efforts Out going Mr Azad answer, “ we have done our job good and hope that people who will come after us will do there best to do the betterments of community” At the end in GUP SHUP mode Mr Azad thanked Sohni Dharti for it sport and all the negative and positive criticism and promise to send detail copy of accounts to Sohni Dharti or on PANZ web site    Mateen Saddiqui executive of PANZ announcing the elections

بـــلاجی MSN said...

The Annual General Meeting of Pakistan Association of New Zealand was held on 5 December 2004 in Halsey Drive Primary School Hall Lynnfield Auckland. The agenda included presentation of Accounts and Progress Report. Out of the 91 members of PANZ who had renewed their registration since the last AGM, more than 50 attended the meeting and hence completed the required quorum. The meeting started with the recitation of Holy Quran by Imran Javeid. Zahid Shabbir, host of the programme welcomed the audience and invited Imran Akram, finance Secretary PANZ to present account statement for 2004.After him Shahid Azad, President PANZ presented Annual Report 2004 that covered a whole range of activities done in the year including a slide representation of Accounts in details. In his brief introductory remarks he emphasized the need of educating people regarding the importance of attending AGM and seeing the accountability process. He said that AGM is the biggest opportunity for critics to come and speak in front of public but only few dares to do so. He said that PANZ is out of the drawing rooms and into the people’s as his panel had vowed to make it during their electoral campaign two year back. His detailed policy and performance analysis included comparative overview of Funds generation and Events holding during the years 2003-2004. He informed the gathering that PANZ has done historical performance in terms of managing the organization and holding a record 27 big and small programmes during the last two years. We are leaving this organization in a surplus fund of almost 18000 dollars, he said. He told the audience that the biggest achievement of the organization is a dedicated service provision in different areas to the community members as well as changing the whole miserable past into a positive forward movement. He said that his team members were truly down to earth and always took their portfolios as a responsibility, never indulging themselves in petty politics of conspiracy-theories, backbiting and leg-pulling. His briefing included a whole range of topics including community representation, organization culture, communication, media representation, community services, talent hunt and multi-media library. In response to a question that somebody has used PANZ documents in pursuit of attaining Counsel Generalship in New Zealand, he said that the act is totally unacceptable if it contains truth. To another question about a Pakistani cook problem who was working in Hamilton, he said PANZ had tried best to negotiate a solution but that didn’t bear fruit and the case is with the lawyer now. Responding to concerns regarding the misuse probability of funds current PANZ is leaving for the next people, Shahid Azad hoped that a democratic process is the best safety and that the funds control has been left in hands of capable and honest people running Funeral and Executive Committees. At the end he thanked all those sponsors, and volunteers who made PANZ a success and leading vehicle for community development. He also appreciated Executive Committee PANZ for standing by the cabinet in all the times. At last Mateen Siddiqi member Executive Committee announced the new election schedule. The Election for new PANZ will be held on 9 January 2004 at 106 Halsey Drive Lynnfield Auckland.