Thursday, October 19, 2006

Big Whip Round, Please Chip In

Now really is the time for all good people to come to the aid of the Party!

Yesterday, in the wake of the Auditor General's final report over election funding, Labour launched the Big Whip Round to help raise money to refund the tax payer the over $700,000 that the AG ruled we wrongly spent on communications during the 2005 election campaign.

While we believe the spending in the lead up to the election was with the rules at the time, it's now time to put the whole argument behind us. It's vital that we clean the slate so that New Zealanders can continue to have faith in the integrity of the democratic process.

It's a lot of money but we will refund the taxpayer was was spent.  We will do it in the time honoured Labour way,  as a collective, in a big whip round, with everybody chipping in.

All of the Labour MPs will dip deep into their own pockets to help pay the refund and we will be asking all of our Labour constituent organisations and sectors to chip in too.

Other people of good will can and indeed are already helping us out. Please forward this newsletter to your friends and colleagues who support Labour or Helen Clark. We urgently need your help. There are a number of ways to donate. >


gobillag MSN said...

You can send a cheque to:

NZ Labour Party
PO Box 784

You can donate online at:

Our account number is:

BNZ Willis St, Wellington
Account number: 02-0568-0116807-00 NZ Labour Party

You can make a $10 donation via your phone bill by calling:

0900 LABOUR  (0900 522 687)

Every donation will be acknowledged and is most appreciated.

Finally, we're organising the auction of a number of significant items via the web site Trademe. If you'd like to own a piece of Labour Party history,
follow this link and pass it on!

Mike Williams - President, NZ Labour Party

tauqir_khan1 MSN said...


Read the latest Hollywood gossip @

gobillag MSN said...

The big whip round - By NZ Labour Party
Eat your heart out cake stalls, this is the mother of all Labour Party raffles. For just $2 you could win the coolest car on the road - a brand new Toyota Prius. For the uninitiated, the Prius is today's equivalent of the steam engine, powered flight or the first passenger car. It's the new smart car - half gas, half electricity. A revolution on wheels and so sustainable and climate friendly! Am I overselling this?  Not a bit, I drove this baby from Rotorua where it was on display at Annual Conference back to Wellington and fell in love. It is the coolest car.  Be careful though, its on board computer display can be distracting on the open road.

So order your your ticket book now. 10 tickets per book at only $20 per book.  But get in early, we've only got 100,000 tickets to sell!

To order ticket books, send the following details to either: or write to NZ Labour Party, PO Box 784, Wellington and make sure you give us:
How many books of 10 tickets you want Name of the contact person Address for delivery phone Fax Email The raffle closes on Friday 15 December and will be drawn on Friday 22 December and the result will be published in the four major daily papers on Friday 29 December.

gobillag MSN said...

Know, Can Do Labour won the last election and we're confident that with your help we can win again.
Labour's biggest challenge has always been raising enough money to keep building a better future for New Zealand.

Right now, in the middle of the row over last election's spending, Telecom, one of our largest donors, has pulled the plug on political donations. That's $50,000 a year that we will need to make up from other donors.

I'm making an urgent appeal to Labour members and supporters to help make up for Telecom. Can you make a donation right now so Labour can keep delivering on our values to build a better future for our families and our country? Labour Party is funded solely from our members and people of good will. Losing major corporate donors like Telecom makes the case for some sort of state funding hard to argue against. We will always be outspent by our opponents who are backed by big business, global corporations and wealthy organisations. >