Monday, November 19, 2007

AGM Pakistan Association of New Zealand

Annual General Meeting of Pakistan Asoociation of New Zealand was held on 18 November in Mt. Roskill.Association Treasurer Amir Nawaz presented Accounts Report that folowed a lively Question Answer Session.New ways for generating funds were also suggested by ladies wings.Syed Waqar Ali President PANZ said that we need to expand PANZ in different regions of Auckland and sub-commitees for the same would be stablished soon.The participants supported the idea and hoped it would help in creating better interaction.A passionate debate went on the proposal of celebrating Independence Day Programme on weekend instead of the same day.After lenghty discussion it was decided that community members would be consulted on large scale basis to decide the issue and hence final dicision was postponed till the completion of process.Performance of Executive Committee members was also discussed.Two of the members Mr. Zeb Khan and Jamshed ul Hassan were present at the occasion.AGM authorised Executive Committee members to take notice of non-regular and absent members and deal the issue according to constitution.PANZ President also informed the audience that Mrs. Saba Tasneem has been appointed as Vice President from immediate effect.She got a thundering applause at this.After AGM, participants had s delicious dinner.Thanks to the ladies participants who did all this.


Syed Waqar Ali

Pakistan Association Of New Zealand Inc.


rcav8or MSN said...

The day AGM was held, you(Mr. Waqar) mentioned that PANZ spent money when the sports minister was here with the polo team money was spent on the dinner which was held at Punjabi Dhaba in Botany.   Money was taken from the member of PAKISTANI COMMUNITY who also attended the dinner. Where is that money accounted for??????   Any explainations?

gobillag MSN said...

No A blunt up front No makes lot easy for organizer to organise a debt free event , rather then false promises . That's what happened to PANZ in Minister dinner , a few people did not turned up and did not notice in time to cancel their reservations in restaurants, despite their promise because its casts $30 per head or else

panz_nz MSN said...

Respected Community Memeber   Yes I have explainations of Minister dinner:   Our Budget was NZ$ 2,800.00 and we had already booked for 80 persons including 15 guests at the rate of $30 per head. 65 community memebers promissed to attend that dinner. We received payment from 53 members in advanced and I think you know better that per person how much we charged. other 12 members promised to pay at the restaurant, when they will be there and we had already booked for 80 persons. Unfortunately these 12 members started to text me on same day when dinner was going on that " Sorry we can't come to attend the dinner", while thay knew that PANZ have to pay for 80 persons, which has been arranged before one week. PLUS: After dinner approx. 15 community members were stay there with Minister and guests just for chitt chat and our one of our Well-Wisher start to passed the orders for kulfi, Ice Cream, Juices, Tea and drink without  to thinking that who will pay for that, while these items were not included in menu. In the end paid by PANZ and who sacrificed ? I am ! yes I paid $300 from my pocket and balace paid by panz account . Total amount collected $2,150 My friend what about those 12 members who booked there seats and than ignored it. If you need more satisfaction and want to see paid invoices to Punjabi Dhaba Restaurant please contact me I will give you all invoices and collection prove .   Regards Syed Waqar Ali (PANZ)