Thursday, December 4, 2008

Good Idea

Couples of months ago an idea floated by Asif Khatak , that Pakistan association should have a central Mobile number where all Pakistani can stay connected , pass on their urgent massages with no time
It will work like this that members can sand urgent TXT massage to an allocated Mobile number and from their it can forward to all members on their mobile phones by TXT , we think this is one way to stay in touch with community , then no body would complaint that “He did not know”, when its happened , where it happened


Waqar Ali said...

Yes This is good idea but who will take this responsibility.

Zubair (BillaG) Saleem said...

this may be time consuming but not impossible ,

Sohni Dharti have decided to provide this service , we have voda Phone service which allow 2000 TXT per month, that's i normally don't use that much , so why not use for community
Number is 0211655871
All you need to do , TXT your name this number,( Only Vodafone Please) we put your name in Phone book group , People in our Phone book will be able to sand massage to above , from there we will pass on to all Sohni Dhartian,
If this sound good to you than lets start today , by TXTing your name above mention number