Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year


Muhammad Siddiqui said...

This is the beautiful explanation of our current situation. May Allah help us in understanding the situation and take appropriate measure to rebuild our selves as a great nation on this earth. Billa G thanks for that loving warning. New year has started and we should seek help from Allah Karim by doing good deeds and avoid from sins. Thanks again

Zubair (BillaG) Saleem said...

This is a drawback of our community that we have developed the test of free food and entertainment , this must be changed , someone have to take a start with fresh approach of self contained and self reliance , then its come to office bearer to beat the tracks for funds , we all know it is not easy but that how its work , somebody asked why should I fill up the form , what I get from PANZ , only 14th Aug and if I fill up form , where shall I go, who is in charge where is its office

Zubair (BillaG) Saleem said...

An Email for New Year

Dear Zubair Sahab and PANZ team
Many thanks for the kind wishes, We all pray and wish the same for your families and loved ones. Your new website looks fantastic. Well done.
Kind regards

Jeet Suchdev QSM JP
Bhartiya Samaj
17 Valley View Road
Glenfield, Auckland-0629
09 4430579/021 2221020

Zubair (BillaG) Saleem said...

This a Test