Monday, September 19, 2011


Leadership Corruption in Islam

Rulers Will Be Held Accountable To ALLAH

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated Rasulullah ( peace be upon him ) said: “The Israelis used to be ruled and guided by prophets: Whenever a prophet died, another would take over his place. There will be no prophet after me, but there will be Caliphs who will increase in number.” The people asked: “O ALLAH’s Apostle! What do you order us (to do)?” Rasulullah ( peace be upon him ) said, “Obey the one who will be given the pledge of allegiance first. Fulfill their (i.e. the Caliphs) rights, for ALLAH will ask them about (any shortcoming) in ruling those ALLAH has put under their guardianship.”


Rasulullah ( peace be upon hom ) said: “If any ruler having the authority to rule Muslim subjects dies while he is deceiving them, ALLAH will forbid Paradise for him.”


ALLAH says:

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Ma’qil narrated “I heard Rasulullah ( peace be upon him ) saying: “Any man whom ALLAH has given the authority of ruling some people and he does not look after them in an honest manner, will never feel even the smell of Paradise.”

(Sahih Muslim)

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