Sunday, April 8, 2012

Earthquake Pakistan

To Keep the record straight , a few pics from our history. click the tag to see all

1 comment:

BillaG GoBillaG said...

A Flash Back for above pic.
msn-بـــلاجی wrote on Oct 17, '05
Porky Hand

This gentleman work in Casino, butchery, where he make pork sausage we call him Toney. He is hello hello of friend all most every Taxi driver who work in Hobson st .

One day I tried to shake hand with Toni he said "if you shake hand with me then you might have to go to Mecca to clean yourself because I work with pork meat " ( reference to that pork pizza case) I told him " I don't have to go Mecca, Muslim do Haj once a year I do four time a year" " How come" Toni asked with astonished eyes, "I donate blood every three month " I replied, he admired my deed and shook hand with me,

couple of days back I saw him and showed him earth quake relief funds tickets, he reach his pocket quickly got his wallet out he had only $5 there he said "this is my lunch money for tomorrow , but you can take it I can live without one day lunch , people over there need it more then me" next day, when he finished his work, I wasn't on rank, he gave $20 to Javeed for this earthquake relief funds

Today I saw him and thanked him for his contribution for Pakistani fund and request him if I can kiss his porky hand , he said " be careful you might get heavy criticism from your people" I said " this is not a big deal, I believe if your shit is worth saving somebody's life I will take it" he said "if need is big enough then we are one, then we don't ask who is giving the treatment and who is being treated"