Thursday, August 11, 2005

Eating is everything

Professor.........14th August is our day we should participate with a devotion and love for our country
Taxir Drive.........yes u r right but tell me what they have planed to cook
Professor ...........I don't know but hoping a good meal
Taxi Driver...........yes meal should be good......I feel very hungry in the function
Professor .............Do you know why Pakistan came into being
Taxi Driver ..........yes I know but tell me is there any sweet dish?
Professor ............Do you know which dish your great Leader Jinnah liked very much
Taxi Driver...........Leave him .....has gone....tell me how they will serve the meal I like self service
                              Paks are no good ......but if they give packs I have some friend there, will
                              get two.
Professor.............Priminister is comming and will be a very good function............
Taxi Driver...........Tell me one thing if they have arranged some food for PM becaz she don't like
                               Idian food, I also like English food ever you try a veg soop ooooooooh
                              dilishes, Professor you don't know anything have grown old eating is

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