Thursday, September 15, 2005

Faroun of Newzealand

There are so many common things between faros (Feroun) and him but he is not Shatan as shatan don't believe in God and Feros were himself God,  he was more near to Akhnatan forth faros born in 1330 BC he was a great believer of God he broke all the idles and temples and thrown out theocrates from the country. So he is Akhnatan of Newzealand a Faroun who believes in God, Akhnatan said God is one wife is one and sign of God is sun, he also advocates this policy but only upto wife in his openion sign of God is Dollar, Akhnatan said gayism is good for sextual health, he is a passive gay once he was looking for some gay club at K Road and finally he went to a car showroom, but there is one difference between Akhnatan and him Akhnatan always believes in unanimous voting for one party but he always go where all the gays vote for

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