Thursday, June 28, 2012


Asslaamu Alaikum WRB


South Auckland Muslim Association confirms that Shab-e-Baraat will be observed on Thursday, 5th July, 2012.

SAMA as usual will have a program at the mosque from Maghrib to Isha after which there will be a visit to the Manukau Memorial Gardens. The Manukau Memorial Gardens will be open till 9pm. No cars will be allowed to enter after 8.45pm.


There will be provision for ladies if they wish to attend the program and do their Ibadah at the mosque.


Masjid Al-Mustafa will remain open whole night for those wishing to do their Ibadah in the mosque.


May Allah (SWT) shower his blessing on all of us  through the Waseela of Prophet Muhammed (SAW) and give us the Taufiq to do our Ibadah and reap the blessings of this blessed night.




Jazak Allah Khairan!


Was Salaam

Azad Khan


South Auckland Muslim Association

Mob : 0274526304

Facebook : Sama Al Mustafa Masjid

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