Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Guli danda's exective players

Guli dand players have been elected by more than 200 people these players are named as exective members,dine parties are being celebrated and enjoyed its all over for Guli danda players they are now exective players but do any body knows what these player will do and for what they have been elected? Once I asked a bridegroom why he is so gloomy and grumpy while all other people are very happy he said these people are unwanted now only extras, I only need my bride now, in the same way community is in extras now these player will seldom play for the community that's why not a single player got the courage and time to say thank you to all, when I asked one of the exective player about this he responded that its the duty of the community to appriciate and congrdulate people have selected us becouse we were the most reasonable and suitible.


213042 MSN said...

i think the answer is right that they are the most suitable people being elected.
REASON:because they are the people who at least got the courage to present their names for this office.those who always criticise others and do nothing practically are actually useless.
these people showed that they should be elected and should be thanked for their part in PANZ.
non of the panz members is ready to pay any contribution towards jinnah hall.how these people can do that big job without money???
There should be a continious flow of money from pakistanies every week.every body should have to pay at least one dollar from their pocket every day so at the end of the week they can pay an amount of seven dollars towards contribution. its not a big deal.
we just need courage which we pakistanies dont have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yourwellwisher2003 MSN said...

Nice comments and healthy useful approach, good deep it up

msmasood1 MSN said...

The question is not this wheather they are best people are not the question is this wheather they are doing some thing good for the people and what was there previous track record? Im sorry to contradict but I have read in the books that criticism is a big service it is the criticism who invented and developed democracy in the world, all the rules of laws are amended and projected by the criticism of the society, only criticism amends the behaviour of human beings so it is a approved principal of the present age that criticism is a big service its not an easy job, any critics takes lot of risks he may lose his respect status friends wealth job and so many other things, criticism is always criticism its never positive or negitive its the people who take it negitive or positive.