Thursday, March 27, 2003

Protest against Iraq War

As you know that US and British aggretion against Iraq is totally illegel and against the International Laws. They could not satisfied the rest of world thats why every where and every day, peoples are protesting against this war.
Pakistan Welfare and Cultural Society is participatin in big "Protest" on 30th March Sunday, 2pm to 4 pm. Protest will start from Queen Square to Aotea Center.
We request you come to this protest along with your friend. You can bring your slogans like "Stop War", "No War for Oil" , "Disarms America and Britin as well"......
For more info call Nadeem Mirza 0274 434329

1 comment:

بـــلاجی MSN said...

Mirza Jee another idea for slogans Please; Stop This Bush Fire