Monday, October 13, 2003


This guy wanted a parrot who talked. He asked the pet store
manager if there was a bird who was already speaking. The
manager directed the guy to a bird by the window. "This bird
has a vocabulary of 1000 words and another 50 phrases that
would fit most occasions."

The guy bought the bird and took it home.

Next day, the guy was back in the pet store to complain. The
bird hadn't said a word.

The pet store manager said, "That's not unusual. Why not
buy a few of the toys the bird had been used to playing with
while here and put it in his cage. That should get him more
comfortable with his surroundings and loosen him up." The
man paid for the toys and took them home to the bird.

Two days later the guy showed back up. "Still not talking,
huh?" asked the manager. "Well, perhaps a birdbath would
do the trick." The credit card was whipped out, the purchase
made, and the guy was back home with his new birdbath.

And, like clockwork, two days later the guy was back to
complain that the bird STILL hadn't said one word. This time
the shop owner scratched his head and said, "You know,
sometimes the bird would be praised in his training and
allowed to ring this bell." The guy was hesitant, but he really
wanted to hear the bird talk, so he reluctantly purchased the

Two days later, the guy was back in the shop. This time the
pet shop owner suggested the bird was lonely. The guy was
upset that he'd have to purchase ANOTHER bird when the
first one wasn't talking. The pet shop owner told him that,
no, he wouldn't have to do that. Just buy a mirror and trick
the bird into thinking he had company.

You guessed. Two days later, the man was back in the
store, this time with the parrot. The parrot was dead.

"What happened! Didn't the bird ever talk?" asked the pet store

"Yep. Right before he died it said, 'Don't they sell
birdseed at that pet store?'"

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