Monday, October 10, 2005

I like jogis

Tilla Jogian in Distt Jhelum is a very famous place in jogism and their practices, in his famous book Abu ul fazal wrote that once emperor Akbar visited the place in an anual gathering of jogees and there were thousands of jogees, from that time that part has come under the infuence of jogi belief,  Gorakh noth is a goru (prophet) in jogi religion, he has 12 obedient followers now there are three basic groups or sects of jogis 1- Cun Patay 2-ogar 3-followers of Jafar Peer who was a muslim jogi, jogis have three principles 1- do somthing good for others and don't live at one place try to migrtate from place to place 2- love your enemies so love snakes 3-begging is good becaz it kills your vanity ..........muslim jogis belive in God and prophet ............Akbar stated in his famous A-biography that jogis are very good people but they are not good friends becaz they don't stay at one place all the time they are moving from one place to other from one thought to other .................some time I feel I am also like a jogi moving from place to place and loving my enemies.

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