Friday, February 10, 2006

First proposals are added to AGM agenda(for details click)

First proposal of amendments for discussion in AGM received from ATTA Qureshi and were acknowledged by PANZ. This will be presented in the AGM.


Any more proposals should be reached to PANZ office on or before 12th of Feb Sunday  5 pm.  


Atta Qureshi proposals are as follows:


  1. President of panz should be resident or citizen of New Zealand as per current clause of the constitution but for all other positions of the cabinet, Any Pakistani on legal status with long term visa like long term business visa or student enrolled for two years course of study should be eligible.
  2. Meeting should be called on every key issue and decision should be made by the will of majority of the present chorum of that meeting the chorum should be at least 20 members.
  3.  PANZ General Committee should come in office for only one year.



Discussion of the Jinnah Hall issue not added to AGM as PANZ called a special meeting for this purpose on the

The special meeting for Jinnah hall will be held at



 War memorial hall , 13 May rd Mt Roskill



6th of March 2006

Time: 5-30pm


Agenda: Jinnah hall 


Thank you


Imtiaz Khan

G/s (PANZ)

1 comment:

atta4636 MSN said...

Just for information ,i have put teh time and amendments before you guys atta