Saturday, June 28, 2003

Be responsible



  1. Be Humble
  2. , It is the stronger position to take.
  3. Be Patient
  4. , You’ll get where you want to go a lot faster.
  5. Be
  6. an Honest person, It is a lot more practical, and it will open up a lot of doors.
  7. Be Giving
  8. , When we are giving, we get more in the end.
  9. Be Trusting
  10. , because we cannot work cohesively and productively with other people otherwise.
  11. Be Brave
  12. , Because we want to be among those who did, not those who didn’t.
  13. Be preserving
  14. , One, don’t do. Two don’t rest. Only when we have triumphed through hardship, and achieved what we set out to do, will we be better people, and our lives will have meaning.
  15. Be responsible
  16. , Take responsibility, It is the mark of a leader.
  17. Be Appreciative
  18. , When we are appreciative, we increase our ability to enjoy life, and we create a positive environment around us.
  19. Be in control
  20. . Together with our powerful personal bases, acquired from practicing the first nine Qualities To Success, we will manage our live and control our destinies.

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